The Secret to Increased Money & Financial Prosperity - Change Your Feelings & Beliefs!
Have you heard all the news about the economy lately? Are you worried about your finances and future? If you're like many people right now, the chances are you answered yes to both of those questions and your feeling not only worried, but stressed, anxious and perhaps even worse, panic stricken.
Well, I know your pain, truly I do, but I've decided not to participate in this economic recession.
Because the truth is, there is no lack of money in circulation in the world.
The only lack there is right now is the lack of belief in money and prosperity.
And if we're tuned into the news reports everyday, we're not only thinking about lack, we're also engaged in the belief of lack with our feelings and emotions.
And so what happens is we create more lack.
This is true for the economy and this is true for our personal lives too because what we focus on, we get more of.
But how can you change this? How do we stop participating in this recession and instead increase our level of money and financial prosperity? The answer is we must stop what we're currently doing and change our old beliefs that are activated to new more empowering beliefs which can bring us the success and results we really would prefer to have.
Make sense? But now I'm sure you're asking, but how do you do that? Well, here is very a simple, yet very powerful 5 Step process to not only teach you how to identify your old limiting belief, but also how to activate a new, more empowering belief so that you can increase your level of money and financial prosperity and start moving towards living the life of your dreams and goals! 1.
Identify the Old Limiting Belief: Before we can change anything, first we need to know what we need to change, right? Well, maybe you already know what old limiting belief isn't working for you that you want to change and that's a great! However, if you don't, the easiest way I've found to really know what belief or beliefs are currently activated and engaged is to take a look at what's showing up in your life.
Is it what you really want? Do you have the money and financial prosperity you want? If not, then chances are there's an old limiting belief activated somewhere that's bringing you the results that you are getting.
What do you think that belief might be? Write it down.
Another thing you can do and which I highly suggest is to get into the habit of noticing what you are thinking and feeling during your day.
Do you feel good, happy, enthusiastic? If not, write out what you're feeling in a notebook or on a sheet of paper.
What do you think your thoughts could be telling you about your beliefs about money and financial prosperity? Really spend some time on this because it is so fundamentally important.
Awareness is the key to the very change you want to make and the results you want to be receiving in your life.
List How This Belief Makes You Feel: After you've identified the old limiting belief that's not working for you and that you'd like to change, now I want you think about how this old limiting belief makes you feel.
It's very important here to really get into all the feelings associated with this old limiting belief.
Does it make you feel fearful, anxious, or maybe upset or emotional? How about sad, hopeless, or despairing? Unworthy or deserving? Write out specifically and in the most detail that you can, all that you feel as a result of this old belief working in your life.
We want to bring up all the feelings that we can that are associated with this belief, no matter how uncomfortable or unpleasant they are, and really get them out into the open so we can acknowledge them, honor them and accept them for having helped us in our life.
Because that really was their purpose.
Past Evidences to the Contrary: Okay, so we've identified the old limiting belief and all the old feelings and energy associated with this old belief.
Now I want you to think back in your life, are there possibly any times or experiences in the past where you may have felt the same way, or maybe even a similar way, but somehow things did work out? Really think about this and write down whatever comes up.
Identify and write it out.
What we want here is to find a way to lessen the resistance and the intensity of the old belief by shifting the focus of your mind and thoughts in order to reactivate a better feeling within you, that feeling and knowing that there IS hope and a solution to the situation.
You know this because you can recall past evidences of it.
What we're seeking to experience here is a vibrational relief.
So notice how your body is feeling now.
Is it feeling any lighter, or relaxed? Notice if you are starting to feel even just a slight bit of relief due to a shift and release of the old belief and energy.
It's okay too if it's only just a slight, tiny bit of a shift.
Baby steps and slight shifts at a time are the goal and focus.
Write a New Empowering Belief: Now that was the yucky part and it wasn't so bad, was it? Well, what we want to do now is more of the fun stuff.
I want you write a new, more empowering belief.
The key though is to start with where you are and what you can believe with no resistance, meaning no doubt and no fear.
Remember, we are taking baby steps here and slight shifts forward at a time are really the secret to success.
So what new more empowering belief can you write that feels better than the old one? For instance, if your old limiting belief was "I'm not able to make more money", a new more empowering belief that would be believable for you and feel good to you and move you forward might be "Sometimes, I really AM able to make more money".
It feels good, doesn't it? It feels good because we know, feel and believe with no resistance that it IS possible.
Right? 5.
Pre-Pave your Future: So you have your new, more empowering belief which is now activated and its getting pretty exciting, isn't it? Well, it gets even better because now I want you to start dreaming.
What would show up in your life for you with this new, more empowering belief fully activated and integrated in your life? What would you see? This works better if you sitting in a quiet place where you can really tap into your inner creativity and intuition.
What we want to be doing is visioning but visioning not just with pictures and images but with all the feelings of how it would feel if you had it too.
This is so critically important.
How would it make you feel having this new belief? What feelings would you feel? What experiences would you have? What people would you meet? What results would show up? A new job? A promotion? More sales and success in your business? I want you to really get into the details of what you'd see and how it'd feel here because what you are actually doing is setting the course, the energy course for your future, also called pre-paving, and it's so very powerful because you can actually create anything you want.
Once you have activated your new more empowering belief, and pre-paved your future with your vision and all your feelings, from here all you need to do is notice what actions you feel inspired to take and then start watching what starts showing up in your life because I promise, things will start to change, new doors will open, new opportunities will appear and your life will move to a higher, new level.
And that my friends, is the secret to increasing your level of money, financial prosperity, success or anything else you may want to receive in your life!
Well, I know your pain, truly I do, but I've decided not to participate in this economic recession.
Because the truth is, there is no lack of money in circulation in the world.
The only lack there is right now is the lack of belief in money and prosperity.
And if we're tuned into the news reports everyday, we're not only thinking about lack, we're also engaged in the belief of lack with our feelings and emotions.
And so what happens is we create more lack.
This is true for the economy and this is true for our personal lives too because what we focus on, we get more of.
But how can you change this? How do we stop participating in this recession and instead increase our level of money and financial prosperity? The answer is we must stop what we're currently doing and change our old beliefs that are activated to new more empowering beliefs which can bring us the success and results we really would prefer to have.
Make sense? But now I'm sure you're asking, but how do you do that? Well, here is very a simple, yet very powerful 5 Step process to not only teach you how to identify your old limiting belief, but also how to activate a new, more empowering belief so that you can increase your level of money and financial prosperity and start moving towards living the life of your dreams and goals! 1.
Identify the Old Limiting Belief: Before we can change anything, first we need to know what we need to change, right? Well, maybe you already know what old limiting belief isn't working for you that you want to change and that's a great! However, if you don't, the easiest way I've found to really know what belief or beliefs are currently activated and engaged is to take a look at what's showing up in your life.
Is it what you really want? Do you have the money and financial prosperity you want? If not, then chances are there's an old limiting belief activated somewhere that's bringing you the results that you are getting.
What do you think that belief might be? Write it down.
Another thing you can do and which I highly suggest is to get into the habit of noticing what you are thinking and feeling during your day.
Do you feel good, happy, enthusiastic? If not, write out what you're feeling in a notebook or on a sheet of paper.
What do you think your thoughts could be telling you about your beliefs about money and financial prosperity? Really spend some time on this because it is so fundamentally important.
Awareness is the key to the very change you want to make and the results you want to be receiving in your life.
List How This Belief Makes You Feel: After you've identified the old limiting belief that's not working for you and that you'd like to change, now I want you think about how this old limiting belief makes you feel.
It's very important here to really get into all the feelings associated with this old limiting belief.
Does it make you feel fearful, anxious, or maybe upset or emotional? How about sad, hopeless, or despairing? Unworthy or deserving? Write out specifically and in the most detail that you can, all that you feel as a result of this old belief working in your life.
We want to bring up all the feelings that we can that are associated with this belief, no matter how uncomfortable or unpleasant they are, and really get them out into the open so we can acknowledge them, honor them and accept them for having helped us in our life.
Because that really was their purpose.
Past Evidences to the Contrary: Okay, so we've identified the old limiting belief and all the old feelings and energy associated with this old belief.
Now I want you to think back in your life, are there possibly any times or experiences in the past where you may have felt the same way, or maybe even a similar way, but somehow things did work out? Really think about this and write down whatever comes up.
Identify and write it out.
What we want here is to find a way to lessen the resistance and the intensity of the old belief by shifting the focus of your mind and thoughts in order to reactivate a better feeling within you, that feeling and knowing that there IS hope and a solution to the situation.
You know this because you can recall past evidences of it.
What we're seeking to experience here is a vibrational relief.
So notice how your body is feeling now.
Is it feeling any lighter, or relaxed? Notice if you are starting to feel even just a slight bit of relief due to a shift and release of the old belief and energy.
It's okay too if it's only just a slight, tiny bit of a shift.
Baby steps and slight shifts at a time are the goal and focus.
Write a New Empowering Belief: Now that was the yucky part and it wasn't so bad, was it? Well, what we want to do now is more of the fun stuff.
I want you write a new, more empowering belief.
The key though is to start with where you are and what you can believe with no resistance, meaning no doubt and no fear.
Remember, we are taking baby steps here and slight shifts forward at a time are really the secret to success.
So what new more empowering belief can you write that feels better than the old one? For instance, if your old limiting belief was "I'm not able to make more money", a new more empowering belief that would be believable for you and feel good to you and move you forward might be "Sometimes, I really AM able to make more money".
It feels good, doesn't it? It feels good because we know, feel and believe with no resistance that it IS possible.
Right? 5.
Pre-Pave your Future: So you have your new, more empowering belief which is now activated and its getting pretty exciting, isn't it? Well, it gets even better because now I want you to start dreaming.
What would show up in your life for you with this new, more empowering belief fully activated and integrated in your life? What would you see? This works better if you sitting in a quiet place where you can really tap into your inner creativity and intuition.
What we want to be doing is visioning but visioning not just with pictures and images but with all the feelings of how it would feel if you had it too.
This is so critically important.
How would it make you feel having this new belief? What feelings would you feel? What experiences would you have? What people would you meet? What results would show up? A new job? A promotion? More sales and success in your business? I want you to really get into the details of what you'd see and how it'd feel here because what you are actually doing is setting the course, the energy course for your future, also called pre-paving, and it's so very powerful because you can actually create anything you want.
Once you have activated your new more empowering belief, and pre-paved your future with your vision and all your feelings, from here all you need to do is notice what actions you feel inspired to take and then start watching what starts showing up in your life because I promise, things will start to change, new doors will open, new opportunities will appear and your life will move to a higher, new level.
And that my friends, is the secret to increasing your level of money, financial prosperity, success or anything else you may want to receive in your life!