Best Ways to Lose Weight Fast - 5 Fat Blasting Tips to Slash Your Body Fat!
Want the best ways to lose weight fast? Below are 5 simple but sure fire ways to lose weight now! Best Ways to Lose Weight 1.
'I don't have time to prepare' ..
planning shows commitment, and it's not just cheap talk.
Mentally schedule more or less exactly what you're going to eat and when you're going to eat it.
Better still, plan to dine on 5 to 6 healthy mini meals a day, your grocery list for the week ...
and cook in bulk.
By eating more, you will reduce craving, and by planning in advance, you will save time, and reduce the chances of eating out.
As well, think about what you will order in a restaurant before you arrive.
Be prepared for different situations, take ownership, and don't expect weight loss just to happen! 2.
Drinking less sugar is one of the best ways to lose weight fast.
A study has found that we consume 450 calories a day from beverages alone, nearly twice as many as 40 years ago.
This increase amounts to an extra 29 lbs a year that we're forced to work off - or carry around with us.
Many of the calorie comes from high fructose corn syrup in our drinks - especially in kid's drinks that are hardly more than sweetened water.
In fact, anything you have to drink in your fridge right now - unless it is water, milk, 100% juice or diet soda, probably has HFCs in it.
Read the label - better still drink more water! 3.
Do compound exercises - you can't spot reduce or spot gain if you want to see your abs, you have to make an effort to lose fat all over, and if you want bigger arms, you have to gain weight, period.
The best way to accomplish either is by performing exercises that recruit lots of muscles at once, and subsequently allow you yo use a heavy load, such as squats, deadlifts, chin ups and presses.
Even if your goal in life is to have huge biceps, you need to squat and dead-lift.
It all goes back to growth (No, not the injectable kind) hormone and testosterone levels.
The more muscles you train, the more you will burn! 4.
Long, boring cardio is not the best way to lose weight - instead get onto Interval Training to jack up your metabolism.
The best thing is, it only needs a minimum of 20 minutes of your time.
One of the best ways to lose weight - improve your nutrition.
A good eating plan will account for more than 70% of your fat loss.
So that means, replacing your high fatty foods, processed foods and junk foods with fresh foods like organic produce, whole-grains, vegetables, fruits and lean meat.
And aim to fill half your plate with fiber, and the rest carbs, protein and good fat.
To do that, you need to get point 1 right ...
simply put, start cooking more!
'I don't have time to prepare' ..
planning shows commitment, and it's not just cheap talk.
Mentally schedule more or less exactly what you're going to eat and when you're going to eat it.
Better still, plan to dine on 5 to 6 healthy mini meals a day, your grocery list for the week ...
and cook in bulk.
By eating more, you will reduce craving, and by planning in advance, you will save time, and reduce the chances of eating out.
As well, think about what you will order in a restaurant before you arrive.
Be prepared for different situations, take ownership, and don't expect weight loss just to happen! 2.
Drinking less sugar is one of the best ways to lose weight fast.
A study has found that we consume 450 calories a day from beverages alone, nearly twice as many as 40 years ago.
This increase amounts to an extra 29 lbs a year that we're forced to work off - or carry around with us.
Many of the calorie comes from high fructose corn syrup in our drinks - especially in kid's drinks that are hardly more than sweetened water.
In fact, anything you have to drink in your fridge right now - unless it is water, milk, 100% juice or diet soda, probably has HFCs in it.
Read the label - better still drink more water! 3.
Do compound exercises - you can't spot reduce or spot gain if you want to see your abs, you have to make an effort to lose fat all over, and if you want bigger arms, you have to gain weight, period.
The best way to accomplish either is by performing exercises that recruit lots of muscles at once, and subsequently allow you yo use a heavy load, such as squats, deadlifts, chin ups and presses.
Even if your goal in life is to have huge biceps, you need to squat and dead-lift.
It all goes back to growth (No, not the injectable kind) hormone and testosterone levels.
The more muscles you train, the more you will burn! 4.
Long, boring cardio is not the best way to lose weight - instead get onto Interval Training to jack up your metabolism.
The best thing is, it only needs a minimum of 20 minutes of your time.
One of the best ways to lose weight - improve your nutrition.
A good eating plan will account for more than 70% of your fat loss.
So that means, replacing your high fatty foods, processed foods and junk foods with fresh foods like organic produce, whole-grains, vegetables, fruits and lean meat.
And aim to fill half your plate with fiber, and the rest carbs, protein and good fat.
To do that, you need to get point 1 right ...
simply put, start cooking more!