Change Your Paradigms for Success
Paradigms are unconscious mental models we all have about the universe and everything around us, visible and invisible.
Paradigms filter and shape our experiences in life and act very effectively in two of the four levels of action in which every man and woman plays: mental and emotional.
Regrettably for being models we manufacture so to speak of the world in which we live, not always are accurate or correct, since the whole universe is constantly evolving and we thought it was very useful today, tomorrow may not be. Obviously this is not true in all cases, as there are facts and events that do not change and have a predictable behavior or occurrence or unchanging.
The paradigms are also protection models for every individual of agreement with his system of values and beliefs and are the persons in charge of suspending the progress in the persons, since of so much repeating a particular model of thought appears a sudden impulse to continue doing it. So that the vast majority of people go through life on autopilot governed by their paradigms and act without even realizing or questioning the usefulness of their existing thought patterns.
And when it comes to success, paradigms extraordinarily exercise control over the thoughts and actions of people.
Accordingly there are two kinds of people who walk the path of progress with diametrically opposite results are:
Those who are controlled by their paradigms and do little or nothing to challenge them, change them or modify them.
Those who are aware of the need to expand their thinking and stretch or change their mental limits as a continuous norm to advance the goals that have been proposed. And this certainly is the method that has been and still is used by successful people throughout the world and in all ages.
Successfully understood the progressive realization of a dream or a goal that is worthwhile and if this goal is legal, moral and ethical.
A typical behavior of those who are controlled by their paradigms comes from the expression they use when subjected to a change in their level of thinking and say something like: I already know what that is!, That does not work or not can do!, and phrases like that.
Note that this line of thinking comes from a person who knows nothing or very little of the information that has a proposal to make a decision. That is manifested with an automatic presumption that decisions not to challenge their thinking model.
Another side of the coin are those who question the paradigms and always have their learning in a relative context because they know they can not know everything and you need to feed your mind with new information and ideas to learn, grow and change.
In this line of thought and people always prevails curiosity and humility to learn and never took a decision without first having automatic insufficient data and be sure that the opportunity is on trial for what it is and represents, not predisposed concepts that annihilate the drive towards progress.
With regard to money and success we have seen in our experience with people who are also certain ideologies that distort the lines of thought and reinforce the wrong paradigms that impede progress toward achieving the goals:
The ideology of the easy, that makes people always look for opportunities to meteoric results in achieving goals and objectives without enough work, paying for it high economic failures and time, because there are wonders that produce results without work and effort and even more when a business project whatever begins.
Of course there are shortcuts to achieve rapid material results through courses and experiences of those who are successful in a given field and learn from their mistakes and triumphs shortened quite the way. But the work itself is necessary and indispensable to implement all these ideas and are necessary for this: the planning, control and discipline to see the goals become reality.
The ideology of that success is only for the privileged, so that for most people the only chance is to get enough to live or survive.
This is very mental line given by the great inertia that bring the masses to go through a traditional education 12 or more years, where success is not conceived but after going through years in academic classrooms and as a result access positions privileged where only a lucky few manage to reach. And those who can not access these resources, must conform to live below their aspirations.
The ideology of not making mistakes in the process of building an idea, or a business venture.
Therefore many people who suffer a setback or encounter obstacles in their economic projects to be independent and grow, throw in the towel quickly and are made to the idea that they were not born for that and is best known as the new for know.
And this paradigm has been largely conditioned by the traditional education sitema where mistakes to learn from them is severely penalized with notes and therefore develops an aversion even in practical life take controlled risks.
To change these mental models or paradigms of stagnation and fear suggest you consider the following recommendations:
to start any kind of independent project or business idea on your scope should basically follow these steps:
Define what you want to do and enjoy doing. Or venture into an economic activity that catches your attention even if you know little about how to make it.
Increase your skills in that particular field, taking new courses come to you as a professional performance. Advisable to do this through courses offered practical education, where learning in groups and learn specific skills to immediately put into action the ideas and concepts.
Plan your work with measurable results daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. But when you're starting date at least six months to see if a business idea works or not.Especially when your chosen career field do not know him very well and soon you enter into a new and interesting approach.
Use the self-help and self-improvement tools online courses, books and seminars or virtual as a support to stretch your mind. Because only these materials can give you the strength and vision to turn wishes into desires, needs and desires in actual work needs to succeed and change your life.
Look at the job as a financial asset value, because through him acquire invaluable skills and experience. Which will result sooner or later in his personal and economic rewards.
If you work on what you like or you notice, do it to learn and grow, not for the money.Thus lay aside the concept of least resistance or the ideology of the easy.
Consider yourself privileged to have overall health: spiritual, mental, physical and material and look after them and develop them. Many people do not have these riches incomprables yet exemplify excellence and enterprise.
As for the privileges of traditional education is insufficient evidence in the world that success depends more decisive and necessary factors as: the vision, determination, adaptability and humility to learn.
Always consider errors as a fee for learning and access to greater heights. Just as when to enter exclusive place entry charge. Look at it as a fact and apply.
Never consider yourself finished product in any respect and keep your curiosity to learn all your life. This is the best way to break paradigms that hinder growth and success.
For best results in practice and expand the knowledge presented in this article about "Change Your Paradigms For Success",visit us now at:
Paradigms filter and shape our experiences in life and act very effectively in two of the four levels of action in which every man and woman plays: mental and emotional.
Regrettably for being models we manufacture so to speak of the world in which we live, not always are accurate or correct, since the whole universe is constantly evolving and we thought it was very useful today, tomorrow may not be. Obviously this is not true in all cases, as there are facts and events that do not change and have a predictable behavior or occurrence or unchanging.
The paradigms are also protection models for every individual of agreement with his system of values and beliefs and are the persons in charge of suspending the progress in the persons, since of so much repeating a particular model of thought appears a sudden impulse to continue doing it. So that the vast majority of people go through life on autopilot governed by their paradigms and act without even realizing or questioning the usefulness of their existing thought patterns.
And when it comes to success, paradigms extraordinarily exercise control over the thoughts and actions of people.
Accordingly there are two kinds of people who walk the path of progress with diametrically opposite results are:
Those who are controlled by their paradigms and do little or nothing to challenge them, change them or modify them.
Those who are aware of the need to expand their thinking and stretch or change their mental limits as a continuous norm to advance the goals that have been proposed. And this certainly is the method that has been and still is used by successful people throughout the world and in all ages.
Successfully understood the progressive realization of a dream or a goal that is worthwhile and if this goal is legal, moral and ethical.
A typical behavior of those who are controlled by their paradigms comes from the expression they use when subjected to a change in their level of thinking and say something like: I already know what that is!, That does not work or not can do!, and phrases like that.
Note that this line of thinking comes from a person who knows nothing or very little of the information that has a proposal to make a decision. That is manifested with an automatic presumption that decisions not to challenge their thinking model.
Another side of the coin are those who question the paradigms and always have their learning in a relative context because they know they can not know everything and you need to feed your mind with new information and ideas to learn, grow and change.
In this line of thought and people always prevails curiosity and humility to learn and never took a decision without first having automatic insufficient data and be sure that the opportunity is on trial for what it is and represents, not predisposed concepts that annihilate the drive towards progress.
With regard to money and success we have seen in our experience with people who are also certain ideologies that distort the lines of thought and reinforce the wrong paradigms that impede progress toward achieving the goals:
The ideology of the easy, that makes people always look for opportunities to meteoric results in achieving goals and objectives without enough work, paying for it high economic failures and time, because there are wonders that produce results without work and effort and even more when a business project whatever begins.
Of course there are shortcuts to achieve rapid material results through courses and experiences of those who are successful in a given field and learn from their mistakes and triumphs shortened quite the way. But the work itself is necessary and indispensable to implement all these ideas and are necessary for this: the planning, control and discipline to see the goals become reality.
The ideology of that success is only for the privileged, so that for most people the only chance is to get enough to live or survive.
This is very mental line given by the great inertia that bring the masses to go through a traditional education 12 or more years, where success is not conceived but after going through years in academic classrooms and as a result access positions privileged where only a lucky few manage to reach. And those who can not access these resources, must conform to live below their aspirations.
The ideology of not making mistakes in the process of building an idea, or a business venture.
Therefore many people who suffer a setback or encounter obstacles in their economic projects to be independent and grow, throw in the towel quickly and are made to the idea that they were not born for that and is best known as the new for know.
And this paradigm has been largely conditioned by the traditional education sitema where mistakes to learn from them is severely penalized with notes and therefore develops an aversion even in practical life take controlled risks.
To change these mental models or paradigms of stagnation and fear suggest you consider the following recommendations:
to start any kind of independent project or business idea on your scope should basically follow these steps:
Define what you want to do and enjoy doing. Or venture into an economic activity that catches your attention even if you know little about how to make it.
Increase your skills in that particular field, taking new courses come to you as a professional performance. Advisable to do this through courses offered practical education, where learning in groups and learn specific skills to immediately put into action the ideas and concepts.
Plan your work with measurable results daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. But when you're starting date at least six months to see if a business idea works or not.Especially when your chosen career field do not know him very well and soon you enter into a new and interesting approach.
Use the self-help and self-improvement tools online courses, books and seminars or virtual as a support to stretch your mind. Because only these materials can give you the strength and vision to turn wishes into desires, needs and desires in actual work needs to succeed and change your life.
Look at the job as a financial asset value, because through him acquire invaluable skills and experience. Which will result sooner or later in his personal and economic rewards.
If you work on what you like or you notice, do it to learn and grow, not for the money.Thus lay aside the concept of least resistance or the ideology of the easy.
Consider yourself privileged to have overall health: spiritual, mental, physical and material and look after them and develop them. Many people do not have these riches incomprables yet exemplify excellence and enterprise.
As for the privileges of traditional education is insufficient evidence in the world that success depends more decisive and necessary factors as: the vision, determination, adaptability and humility to learn.
Always consider errors as a fee for learning and access to greater heights. Just as when to enter exclusive place entry charge. Look at it as a fact and apply.
Never consider yourself finished product in any respect and keep your curiosity to learn all your life. This is the best way to break paradigms that hinder growth and success.
For best results in practice and expand the knowledge presented in this article about "Change Your Paradigms For Success",visit us now at: