What"s Holding You Back?
Maybe you don't even realize you're being held back? Did you know there's a way to move forward in your life without having to lift a finger??? Do you ever find yourself backtracking to events and situations in your past? Or jump out into the future of what your life "should" be like already? This is what a coaching client of mine was in the habit of doing without even realizing it.
Much like boatloads of people on this planet, myself included.
What's wrong with reminiscing or looking ahead you may ask? Well, essentially nothing, provided you're not getting caught up with the negative drama of past situations that didn't work out in your favor.
Or, judging yourself and your life for not being where you think you ought to be already.
This type of thinking can absolutely DESTROY your ability to progress positively through life as it can PARALYZE you, and where you "think" you ought to be will continue to elude you.
Sounds drastic right? But that's exactly what happens when you're not living in the NOW, which is the ONLY place where you can positively create the things you want in life.
Consider this for a moment: your life to date has played out exactly as it needed to.
You could not have done anything any differently to the way it played out in each moment of your past, as THAT is where you were THEN.
You couldn't have done it any other way.
Hindsight is a great thing for future, but it doesn't change the past! Imagine how much energy you would save by this simple concept of dropping the "could have, would have, should have" game!!! Now try this - if you do happen to recall a situation from your past that wasn't a success in your mind, try seeing what this situation GAVE you rather than what the situation TOOK from you.
This is possible for any situation as there's always an obvious or hidden lesson available for you to take on board, should you so choose to.
If I were to think back and berate myself for every "wrong" decision I made, such as being stuck in the wrong job for too long, it would get me nowhere.
In fact, I wouldn't be here today enjoying project managing in the IT industry if it wasn't for all the things I'd learnd from my previous jobs and roles.
With this simple shift in mindset from a negative "attachment" (that incidentally you will carry around everyday -- what a massive burden!!!) to a now more positive "connection", three things will happen:
Now, if you take this new found energy and pump it into whatever you're doing NOW, giving your full commitment, heart and mind - be it a new project or opportunity you're creating, cooking for a dinner party, cleaning the house, playing a game of tennis - WHATEVER, you will be sowing the seeds of positivity for a brighter, lighter and happier events to show up in your future.
It's all about investing in the NOW!! With your mind no longer backtracking and fast forwarding, wasting energy on what should have been different or what needs to be different in your life, you can bring it to stillness in the present which will give you clarity, and open up fresh possibilities allowing your true essence and brilliance to shine though in whatever you're doing.
Imagine that as a by-product? Being "on form" pretty much all the time?!?! What a result! Just recently I've been playing more tennis than usual as I'm in a team at our tennis club playing against other clubs competitively.
If I'm not fully present in each moment of each point, I'll have a tennis ball smack me in my face which (a) isn't much fun and (b) gives me no chance of winning! Keeping present in each moment brings about focus, intent and purpose.
Here's the interesting thing, this attitude stayed with me and spilt over into my work and business life too which meant I was better able to produce the results I wanted.
So even with this simple analogy you can see the knock on effect.
By being present you're more likely to spot new opportunities, meet the right contact at the right time for your business, spot the perfect pair of shoes you needed your whole life in a shop window.
Basically you'll show up in each moment able to give your complete attention and CREATE rather than miss out.
Bring it back to where it's at -- the here and now, much like the lyrics to the Moloko tune - "Bring it back, sing it back...
" So the next time you're feeling stuck in life, and you wonder why? Try letting go of negative thoughts attached to historic events that no longer serve you.
You are where you are -- it's all about moving forward so why not move forward with long positive strides instead?
Much like boatloads of people on this planet, myself included.
What's wrong with reminiscing or looking ahead you may ask? Well, essentially nothing, provided you're not getting caught up with the negative drama of past situations that didn't work out in your favor.
Or, judging yourself and your life for not being where you think you ought to be already.
This type of thinking can absolutely DESTROY your ability to progress positively through life as it can PARALYZE you, and where you "think" you ought to be will continue to elude you.
Sounds drastic right? But that's exactly what happens when you're not living in the NOW, which is the ONLY place where you can positively create the things you want in life.
Consider this for a moment: your life to date has played out exactly as it needed to.
You could not have done anything any differently to the way it played out in each moment of your past, as THAT is where you were THEN.
You couldn't have done it any other way.
Hindsight is a great thing for future, but it doesn't change the past! Imagine how much energy you would save by this simple concept of dropping the "could have, would have, should have" game!!! Now try this - if you do happen to recall a situation from your past that wasn't a success in your mind, try seeing what this situation GAVE you rather than what the situation TOOK from you.
This is possible for any situation as there's always an obvious or hidden lesson available for you to take on board, should you so choose to.
If I were to think back and berate myself for every "wrong" decision I made, such as being stuck in the wrong job for too long, it would get me nowhere.
In fact, I wouldn't be here today enjoying project managing in the IT industry if it wasn't for all the things I'd learnd from my previous jobs and roles.
With this simple shift in mindset from a negative "attachment" (that incidentally you will carry around everyday -- what a massive burden!!!) to a now more positive "connection", three things will happen:
- You will naturally fall into the habit of thinking more positively and subsequently producemore positive events in your life going forward
- You are less likely to REPEAT a similar event in the future, as taking a more positive approach will allow the event's negative "attachment" to dissolve from your mind's history
- You'll be able to break the mind's habit of backtracking to the event and zap yourself back to the present, releasing you of any negative burden surrounding the incident
Now, if you take this new found energy and pump it into whatever you're doing NOW, giving your full commitment, heart and mind - be it a new project or opportunity you're creating, cooking for a dinner party, cleaning the house, playing a game of tennis - WHATEVER, you will be sowing the seeds of positivity for a brighter, lighter and happier events to show up in your future.
It's all about investing in the NOW!! With your mind no longer backtracking and fast forwarding, wasting energy on what should have been different or what needs to be different in your life, you can bring it to stillness in the present which will give you clarity, and open up fresh possibilities allowing your true essence and brilliance to shine though in whatever you're doing.
Imagine that as a by-product? Being "on form" pretty much all the time?!?! What a result! Just recently I've been playing more tennis than usual as I'm in a team at our tennis club playing against other clubs competitively.
If I'm not fully present in each moment of each point, I'll have a tennis ball smack me in my face which (a) isn't much fun and (b) gives me no chance of winning! Keeping present in each moment brings about focus, intent and purpose.
Here's the interesting thing, this attitude stayed with me and spilt over into my work and business life too which meant I was better able to produce the results I wanted.
So even with this simple analogy you can see the knock on effect.
By being present you're more likely to spot new opportunities, meet the right contact at the right time for your business, spot the perfect pair of shoes you needed your whole life in a shop window.
Basically you'll show up in each moment able to give your complete attention and CREATE rather than miss out.
Bring it back to where it's at -- the here and now, much like the lyrics to the Moloko tune - "Bring it back, sing it back...
" So the next time you're feeling stuck in life, and you wonder why? Try letting go of negative thoughts attached to historic events that no longer serve you.
You are where you are -- it's all about moving forward so why not move forward with long positive strides instead?