Cable Crossover Exercises
- Butterflies are an effective strengthening and toning exercise that works the chest and biceps. To do chest butterflies on a crossover cable machine, begin by setting the cables up so that resistance comes at about chest level. Next remove the weight pin from one stack of weights and choose an appropriate amount of resistance---if you don't know how much to use, start low and move up if it is too easy. Set the second weight stack at the same weight; double-check to make sure the weight is the same, or the lift will feel unbalanced. Make sure both cables have single handle attachments connected to them before you start, since cable machines can make use of several different handles.
To start lifting, pick up the handle, then walk and pick up the other handle, carefully lifting up the weight stack as you walk. Once you have both handles, allow the resistance to spread your arms apart so that your body makes a T. Move the arms inward against the resistance until your fists meet a foot or two in front of your chest. Your arms should be bent but partially extended. After doing 8-15 repetitions, walk toward one weight stack and release the handle once the stack is at rest, then do the same with the other handle. - A common shoulder lift with free weights is to lift two dumbbells out to either side, making a cross with the body. A crossover machine allows you to do a lift with the opposite motion, further promoting balance and strength in the shoulders. Set up the machine the same way you did for butterflies, selecting a different weight if necessary and raise the cable height slightly to shoulder level.
Pick up the handles, allowing your body to create a cross, and then slowly move both arms to your sides so that they are perpendicular to the floor. Keep the weight under control as you move back out to your starting position, and repeat. - Again, start the lift from the cross position, with the cables set up to supply resistance at around chest level. Rotate the wrists so that both palms are facing upward then close the arms at the elbow joints as far as they will go. Next, simply hold the weight steady as long as possible to get an isometric bicep workout.
As the biceps fatigue, your arms will begin to slowly extend, opening the elbow joint. Make sure to keep the palms facing upward throughout the lift to continue targeting the biceps. If you want to do several reps, curl the arms up, hold for 10-15 seconds and repeat.
Side Shoulder Negatives
Bicep Negatives