Dental Care Tips For Babies Within The Age Of 0 To 3 Years
Have you been living in the misconception that gum infections only occur among adults and grown-up kids? You will be shocked to know that neonates within the age bracket of one day to three year are equally prone to gum and dental problems! Therefore, if you have become a mother lately then stop living with misconceptions and start taking care of your kids dental health.
Here are some tips for you.
Fluoride supplements make teeth stronger
The milk teeth of your baby will not be there anymore when he grows up to be an adult. Unfortunately, the problems will persist! Thus, you need to be careful about the dental health of your newborn baby so that he does not become prone to any sort of Gum Infection or cavities. So, it is best to talk to your dentist and ask for some fluoride supplements for your baby. He will adjust the type of supplements and feeding instructions according to your babys diet and breast feeding practices that you follow.
Continue providing supplements
Use fluoride supplements in the water which you use to cook the babys food. Also, ensure that the drinking water which your baby starts consuming after six months of age contains doses of fluoride. Continue with this practice till your baby reaches the age of sixteen months when the first signs of permanent teeth get noticed. Since your dentist is the best advisor in this regard, he will give answers to queries concerning the fluoride doses which are appropriate for every baby.
Never miss visit to the dentist
As soon as your baby is born, you need to be careful about his wellbeing. So, taking care of his dental health is no exception in this regard. Therefore, never miss an appointment with the dentist every time he wishes to see your baby and examine his oral conditions. Regular visit to a dentist is one of the healthy habits which we should encourage to keep gum and teeth problems at bay and retain a sparkling smile for ages to come. So, you should inculcate this habit in your kid too. Moreover, when you visit your babys dentist you can talk to him and clearly understand what is gum disease, How to cure gum disease and which factors aggravate the possibilities of dental problem. Your first hand knowledge on these issues will help you in adopting habits that will incorporate healthy oral habits in your kid.
Clean the babys mouth
A breast feeding baby can develop cavities at a tender age due to deposition of milk particles which become breeding ground for germs. So, rinse your babys mouth with plain water every time he eats something.
Here are some tips for you.
Fluoride supplements make teeth stronger
The milk teeth of your baby will not be there anymore when he grows up to be an adult. Unfortunately, the problems will persist! Thus, you need to be careful about the dental health of your newborn baby so that he does not become prone to any sort of Gum Infection or cavities. So, it is best to talk to your dentist and ask for some fluoride supplements for your baby. He will adjust the type of supplements and feeding instructions according to your babys diet and breast feeding practices that you follow.
Continue providing supplements
Use fluoride supplements in the water which you use to cook the babys food. Also, ensure that the drinking water which your baby starts consuming after six months of age contains doses of fluoride. Continue with this practice till your baby reaches the age of sixteen months when the first signs of permanent teeth get noticed. Since your dentist is the best advisor in this regard, he will give answers to queries concerning the fluoride doses which are appropriate for every baby.
Never miss visit to the dentist
As soon as your baby is born, you need to be careful about his wellbeing. So, taking care of his dental health is no exception in this regard. Therefore, never miss an appointment with the dentist every time he wishes to see your baby and examine his oral conditions. Regular visit to a dentist is one of the healthy habits which we should encourage to keep gum and teeth problems at bay and retain a sparkling smile for ages to come. So, you should inculcate this habit in your kid too. Moreover, when you visit your babys dentist you can talk to him and clearly understand what is gum disease, How to cure gum disease and which factors aggravate the possibilities of dental problem. Your first hand knowledge on these issues will help you in adopting habits that will incorporate healthy oral habits in your kid.
Clean the babys mouth
A breast feeding baby can develop cavities at a tender age due to deposition of milk particles which become breeding ground for germs. So, rinse your babys mouth with plain water every time he eats something.