The REAL Secret of "The Secret"
Have you ever wondered why Law of Attraction principles as they are typically presented in books like The Secret DON'T work for everyone? Have you ever pondered what those who insist that Law of Attraction principles DO work are doing differently than the masses? Would you like to know the REAL secret of The Secret? Then, read on.
Before we get to the real secret, let me explain how I got there.
I am the originator, co-developer and a master trainer of an assessment system designed to help people see past old conditioning and discover their authentic self, and I have seen many lives transformed using this system.
Occasionally though, an individual will report that, although they have discovered who they came into the world to be and really want to be that authentic self, they just can't get there because early conditioning was too intense and is now too ingrained to get past.
I believe in brief therapy, and the briefer the better, so I began searching for ways to help clients quickly eliminate these blocks.
I studied Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), Silva Mind Method, hypnotherapy and a number of other methods and over time developed a method of my own called Accelerated Mind Patterning (AMP).
AMP is a powerful tool that brings about instant and lasting change, but it has to be administered one person at a time.
So, although many people have greatly benefited from this process, it can't reach and help enough people yet because I have not developed a way to teach it to others.
Because my goal has always been to positively impact the masses, I kept searching for a tool that people could learn on their own or at least continue to use after a few simple instructions.
I train and certify coaches and therapists to administer the CORE instrument so, when I decided to try to find a rapid change method that could be self-administered, I put out the word to some of my clients.
Within days a coach suggested I look into the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and a few days later another one suggested I check into The Sedona Method.
I ordered the books and training materials for both methods and studied them.
I could see that, while the methods were different, they had something in common with one another and with all of the other methods I had studied.
I didn't know what that commonality was, but knew that, if I could figure out what it was, it would be something very important for transforming the human experience.
The idea played around in my brain for several weeks.
And then one night I woke up with the urging to go to the computer and research energy and, particularly, electricity.
It was 3:15 a.
and I was not too inclined to get up to research anything at that hour, much less electricity, a subject that I had only a passing interest in.
In spite of my resistance, the sense of urgency would not subside and, since I couldn't go back to sleep, I reluctantly got up and drug myself to the computer.
Sitting there in the wee hours of the morning staring at schematics and page after page of information about electricity, I became intrigued with all the terms that were interchangeable between people and electricity; resistance, flow, transform .
and then it all came flooding in.
Albert Einstein's famous formula E=MC2 proves that all things are made of energy; that energy can become mass and mass can be become energy.
So, if all things are energy, I reasoned, including humanity, then all things must obey the laws of energy.
A long line of brilliant men has already clearly described the laws of energy and proven them to be absolutely precise and predictable.
So predictable that entire industries have grown up around energy, millions of products have been produced and homes and businesses across the globe are lit, heated, cooled and made convenient using these unfailing principles.
Somehow, though, people had never been factored into the equation.
But people are energy too.
In fact, people are harnessed energy just like electricity and, as it turns out, we are subject to the very same rules.
It is beyond the scope of this article to explain all this in detail, but I will explain the laws of energy in general here and how they apply to you and me.
If you are like I was at first, you may find yourself glazing over even at the general explanations of technical stuff, but if you stay with it and really get it, it will absolutely change your life! So here we go: In electricity, there must first be a generator to generate energy, and there must be two opposite charges for the generated energy to flow; a "positive" or active charge, which must be boosted out from the generator, and a "negative" or receptive charge, which must be allowed to flow freely back to the generator.
There must also be a receiver (an appliance for example) designed to receive the energy and turn it into something useful (like heat for your home or a cool container to preserve your food) and insulators to prevent the energy from short circuiting before it reaches the receiver.
The exact same principles hold true for people.
They just present differently.
In electricity energy naturally flows clockwise.
In the human experience, energy naturally flows toward abundance.
This can be seen in evolution, in all of nature and even in the fact that we all seek abundance and try to avoid its opposite.
But just as we can slow the flow of electricity, reverse it and even turn it off, so can we slow, reverse or stop the natural flow of energy and abundance in our lives, and most people inadvertently do just that.
So what does the correct energy cycle-the one that flows toward abundance-look like for people? Remember that the positive or active "line" out needs to be boosted out or it stays with the generator.
In the case of people, WE are the generator.
We boost the energy out by taking action.
Not just any action, mind you, but action designed to reach and activate a specific kind of receiver so we get a desired result.
If we want a quiet, peaceful lifestyle, for example, we need to design the receiver (our life design) to produce that result.
If we want a high powered, multimillion dollar lifestyle, that's the kind of receiver we need to design.
Just as you can't heat your home with a freezer or cool your food with a heater, neither can you have the life you want without having created the right receiver for the energy you are sending toward it.
Once the energy arrives at the receiver and is transformed into what the receiver is designed to produce, it must then return to its source, the generator (you) to complete the circuit.
For that to happen, the return line must be free of resistors.
In human terms, resistors are negative thoughts, feelings and attitudes (struggling for or against something, fear, anger, resentment, harsh judgment, etc.
) There must also be sufficient insulators in place to prevent our energy from short circuiting and by-passing the goal when times get rough, as they inevitably will.
For people, insulators are faith or confidence; faith/confidence in self, faith/confidence in other people and faith/confidence in a force greater than ourselves, which I call the Generative Force.
This can be nature, the goodness of humanity, God or some other version of a greater power.
If any one of these elements are missing, not flowing properly or not flowing at all, we don't get the result we want.
Now for the REAL secret of "The Secret".
The Secret is based on the principles often referred to as the Law of Attraction, but when you understand the Law of Abundance, which presents the entire formula, you realize that the Law of Attraction is just one part of a five part formula.
It is the return line.
So, if the rest of the formula is already in place; that is, if the individual is already consistently taking responsible, disciplined, courageous actions toward a clearly defined goal, and if he/she already has a few insulators in place (some faith in self, others and/or a generative force), the elements added through the Law of Attraction serve to remove resistors and open the return line to complete an almost complete circuit.
The hope provided can also add to the insulators by increasing faith at some level.
The people for whom Law of Attraction principles work are only missing one part of the formula and it is always the same part; sufficient faith to remove resistors from the return line so the energy being sent out can return.
Moreover, things like The Secret continue to work only for those whose insulators were already sufficiently strong.
Where the insulators are weak, Law of Attraction principles will work for awhile, but as soon as a difficulty or challenge appears, the resistors go back up and energy again ceases to flow toward abundance.
The Law of Attraction does NOT work for those who are not boosting energy out properly; those who are acting irresponsibly, are undisciplined, lacking in courage or always looking for the easy way out.
Neither does it work for those who don't have a clear and workable life design.
These are essential parts of that infallible energy formula and they must be in place.
So, how can you be sure that you are using energy to your benefit and are on the path to abundance? Learn about the laws of energy-all of them in their entirety-and apply them purposefully to your life.
If you do, you MUST succeed.
The Law of Abundance is a rather complex subject, which is perhaps why it has never been fully explained before, but not so complex that most people can't understand it and use it to their great advantage.
Understanding how energy works in precise and wholly predictable ways to bring you exactly what you allow it to bring, can completely transform your life as it has mine and so many others.
To learn more about the Law of Abundance you can go to the website and to see illustrations of the energy paths, along with more complete explanations of the principles of abundance.
You can even read three chapters from the book, The Law of Abundance, for free and discover exactly how energy impacts your life.
You will know what you have been doing or not doing to keep you from enjoying the life you dream of and what you can do to change all that.
Before we get to the real secret, let me explain how I got there.
I am the originator, co-developer and a master trainer of an assessment system designed to help people see past old conditioning and discover their authentic self, and I have seen many lives transformed using this system.
Occasionally though, an individual will report that, although they have discovered who they came into the world to be and really want to be that authentic self, they just can't get there because early conditioning was too intense and is now too ingrained to get past.
I believe in brief therapy, and the briefer the better, so I began searching for ways to help clients quickly eliminate these blocks.
I studied Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), Silva Mind Method, hypnotherapy and a number of other methods and over time developed a method of my own called Accelerated Mind Patterning (AMP).
AMP is a powerful tool that brings about instant and lasting change, but it has to be administered one person at a time.
So, although many people have greatly benefited from this process, it can't reach and help enough people yet because I have not developed a way to teach it to others.
Because my goal has always been to positively impact the masses, I kept searching for a tool that people could learn on their own or at least continue to use after a few simple instructions.
I train and certify coaches and therapists to administer the CORE instrument so, when I decided to try to find a rapid change method that could be self-administered, I put out the word to some of my clients.
Within days a coach suggested I look into the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and a few days later another one suggested I check into The Sedona Method.
I ordered the books and training materials for both methods and studied them.
I could see that, while the methods were different, they had something in common with one another and with all of the other methods I had studied.
I didn't know what that commonality was, but knew that, if I could figure out what it was, it would be something very important for transforming the human experience.
The idea played around in my brain for several weeks.
And then one night I woke up with the urging to go to the computer and research energy and, particularly, electricity.
It was 3:15 a.
and I was not too inclined to get up to research anything at that hour, much less electricity, a subject that I had only a passing interest in.
In spite of my resistance, the sense of urgency would not subside and, since I couldn't go back to sleep, I reluctantly got up and drug myself to the computer.
Sitting there in the wee hours of the morning staring at schematics and page after page of information about electricity, I became intrigued with all the terms that were interchangeable between people and electricity; resistance, flow, transform .
and then it all came flooding in.
Albert Einstein's famous formula E=MC2 proves that all things are made of energy; that energy can become mass and mass can be become energy.
So, if all things are energy, I reasoned, including humanity, then all things must obey the laws of energy.
A long line of brilliant men has already clearly described the laws of energy and proven them to be absolutely precise and predictable.
So predictable that entire industries have grown up around energy, millions of products have been produced and homes and businesses across the globe are lit, heated, cooled and made convenient using these unfailing principles.
Somehow, though, people had never been factored into the equation.
But people are energy too.
In fact, people are harnessed energy just like electricity and, as it turns out, we are subject to the very same rules.
It is beyond the scope of this article to explain all this in detail, but I will explain the laws of energy in general here and how they apply to you and me.
If you are like I was at first, you may find yourself glazing over even at the general explanations of technical stuff, but if you stay with it and really get it, it will absolutely change your life! So here we go: In electricity, there must first be a generator to generate energy, and there must be two opposite charges for the generated energy to flow; a "positive" or active charge, which must be boosted out from the generator, and a "negative" or receptive charge, which must be allowed to flow freely back to the generator.
There must also be a receiver (an appliance for example) designed to receive the energy and turn it into something useful (like heat for your home or a cool container to preserve your food) and insulators to prevent the energy from short circuiting before it reaches the receiver.
The exact same principles hold true for people.
They just present differently.
In electricity energy naturally flows clockwise.
In the human experience, energy naturally flows toward abundance.
This can be seen in evolution, in all of nature and even in the fact that we all seek abundance and try to avoid its opposite.
But just as we can slow the flow of electricity, reverse it and even turn it off, so can we slow, reverse or stop the natural flow of energy and abundance in our lives, and most people inadvertently do just that.
So what does the correct energy cycle-the one that flows toward abundance-look like for people? Remember that the positive or active "line" out needs to be boosted out or it stays with the generator.
In the case of people, WE are the generator.
We boost the energy out by taking action.
Not just any action, mind you, but action designed to reach and activate a specific kind of receiver so we get a desired result.
If we want a quiet, peaceful lifestyle, for example, we need to design the receiver (our life design) to produce that result.
If we want a high powered, multimillion dollar lifestyle, that's the kind of receiver we need to design.
Just as you can't heat your home with a freezer or cool your food with a heater, neither can you have the life you want without having created the right receiver for the energy you are sending toward it.
Once the energy arrives at the receiver and is transformed into what the receiver is designed to produce, it must then return to its source, the generator (you) to complete the circuit.
For that to happen, the return line must be free of resistors.
In human terms, resistors are negative thoughts, feelings and attitudes (struggling for or against something, fear, anger, resentment, harsh judgment, etc.
) There must also be sufficient insulators in place to prevent our energy from short circuiting and by-passing the goal when times get rough, as they inevitably will.
For people, insulators are faith or confidence; faith/confidence in self, faith/confidence in other people and faith/confidence in a force greater than ourselves, which I call the Generative Force.
This can be nature, the goodness of humanity, God or some other version of a greater power.
If any one of these elements are missing, not flowing properly or not flowing at all, we don't get the result we want.
Now for the REAL secret of "The Secret".
The Secret is based on the principles often referred to as the Law of Attraction, but when you understand the Law of Abundance, which presents the entire formula, you realize that the Law of Attraction is just one part of a five part formula.
It is the return line.
So, if the rest of the formula is already in place; that is, if the individual is already consistently taking responsible, disciplined, courageous actions toward a clearly defined goal, and if he/she already has a few insulators in place (some faith in self, others and/or a generative force), the elements added through the Law of Attraction serve to remove resistors and open the return line to complete an almost complete circuit.
The hope provided can also add to the insulators by increasing faith at some level.
The people for whom Law of Attraction principles work are only missing one part of the formula and it is always the same part; sufficient faith to remove resistors from the return line so the energy being sent out can return.
Moreover, things like The Secret continue to work only for those whose insulators were already sufficiently strong.
Where the insulators are weak, Law of Attraction principles will work for awhile, but as soon as a difficulty or challenge appears, the resistors go back up and energy again ceases to flow toward abundance.
The Law of Attraction does NOT work for those who are not boosting energy out properly; those who are acting irresponsibly, are undisciplined, lacking in courage or always looking for the easy way out.
Neither does it work for those who don't have a clear and workable life design.
These are essential parts of that infallible energy formula and they must be in place.
So, how can you be sure that you are using energy to your benefit and are on the path to abundance? Learn about the laws of energy-all of them in their entirety-and apply them purposefully to your life.
If you do, you MUST succeed.
The Law of Abundance is a rather complex subject, which is perhaps why it has never been fully explained before, but not so complex that most people can't understand it and use it to their great advantage.
Understanding how energy works in precise and wholly predictable ways to bring you exactly what you allow it to bring, can completely transform your life as it has mine and so many others.
To learn more about the Law of Abundance you can go to the website and to see illustrations of the energy paths, along with more complete explanations of the principles of abundance.
You can even read three chapters from the book, The Law of Abundance, for free and discover exactly how energy impacts your life.
You will know what you have been doing or not doing to keep you from enjoying the life you dream of and what you can do to change all that.