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Its really very hard atimes to imagine that,that special had been seeing someone else at your back,right?To add salt to the injusy,he or she may be seeing or pt straight,making out with your 'good' friend too.Life and thingthat hapens in life can be agonising but here comes your 'test' in this instance.If for any reason you had been cheated or you had found yourself wanting to end it all because he or she cheated,you will be doing yourself a lot of good if you ask yourself these questios and answer to yourself more frankly:
1] Was it your fault?

2] Were you two staying together while you abandoned him or her emotionally all those while?

3] Your partners may still be very much in love with you and might be regretting his or her actions towards and towards your relationship now,if this is t case,he or she went outside your union to find that which you did not give.What is that you did not give him or her?

4] Was there any tim he or shecomplained f yor relationship and suggested how you two can come closer but you ignored him or her?

5] Was is it because of material gains or just emtional comfort that took him or her away from your arms?

6] Did you try at any time to re-invent romance in your relationship and tried to re-attract him over again?..I am not in support of infidelity,but there is every possibilty that he or she may have been 'bored' by the routine you two shared!

7] Is she or he still coming back to you or does he or feel nonchallant towards your emoton,even after you had found out?

8] Do you think you can live with it[that is if he or she genuinly repents and comes back to your arms] and really let go of the truma?

9] What options do you have to move on in your life[both love life and social]?
10] Are you ready to forgive him or her and set him or her free and admit that you two may not have been ment for each other anyway?
THESE ten question were't meant to re-open your can trust me,i wouldn't want that BUT i took time to ask you these questions so that you can also take your time [you may print it out] to answer them truthfully to your self.
Where are you now and how do you move on with your life,if that is the only option availale to you?

Moving on can not and may not be as easy as many will quickly tell you but since you still have life.Straighten up now and begin to look at the vast and enormous possibilities infront of you

You are unique in every way and the fact tha he or she left without reason does not mean that you aren't complete in any way.

The special you is still very special,i believe you must hae answered the above questions by now.

Here is the main reason i asked those questions:

They will help you to regain the confidence you really need at this point and more importantly you help you to have control of how your next relationship turns out..YES..Your past experience[if the positive side of it is utilized] cango a long way in being a kind of torch ligh for you to always see where and when YOU need to make amend and in time too.Some little things brings love back and those little things,,when ignored can easily lead a lover astray.Learn how to do you best in any relationship henceforth,at least,you will have the peace in your mind that any fault couldnt come from you,if eventually there will be any.
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