A Beginner's Guide to Softball Hitting Techniques
So you want to become a better softball hitter? Well, you have come to the right place because in this article, we are going to share with you some of the more basic concepts you need to learn about the fundamentals of softball. Whether you are just starting out or you are already a seasoned veteran, these tips will serve you well in your softball career.
Hitting a softball looks pretty simple, especially when you watch great softball players do it. But before you go out and swing your softball bat, here are a few things to keep in mind. These are basic things that you need to understand about the game and how to play it. In no particular order, here are your softball hitting tips:
1. Hitting a softball isn't about powerful arms. It's easy to come to that conclusion, especially if you started out watching baseball where many popular batters, Mark McGuire and Sammy Sosa for example, often have bulky muscular arms. But the truth of the matter is, hitting a softball well isn't about strong arms.. Your lower body and hips are also important. Good hip rotation will help you generate power so you can swing the bat with authority all the time. Not sure how to do this? Your softball coach can help you get started. You could also check out instructional softball hitting videos to pick up a few hitting tips and drills along the way.
2. Not just any bat will do. Not all softball bats are created equal. Bats are made in different lengths, different weights, different grips, and of different materials. To get the most out of your softball bat, it's important to get one that's the right size for you. It takes some trial and error, but you will eventually make adjustments as you progress as a player. However, what's even more important that an exact weight, size, or brand, is you use one that you're comfortable with. Any time you are uncomfortable in the box, hitting well becomes even more challenging. So, the next time you're in the market for a bat, take the time to try out a few bats until you find one that suits you well.
3. Persistence is key. You may have the best gear and be a part of the best team in the world, but if you don't put in the hours to improve your softball hitting techniques, you never reach your full potential. So when you face challenges in your training, never give up. It is only through persistence that you get the results you want as a softball hitter.
We have kept these tips to improving your softball hitting techniques as simple and fundamental as possible so you have an idea of how to best get started in the game. If you're interested in learning more about softball hitting, check out our softball hitting tips, listen to your softball coach, and maybe even watch some softball hitting videos to help you improve your game.
Hitting a softball looks pretty simple, especially when you watch great softball players do it. But before you go out and swing your softball bat, here are a few things to keep in mind. These are basic things that you need to understand about the game and how to play it. In no particular order, here are your softball hitting tips:
1. Hitting a softball isn't about powerful arms. It's easy to come to that conclusion, especially if you started out watching baseball where many popular batters, Mark McGuire and Sammy Sosa for example, often have bulky muscular arms. But the truth of the matter is, hitting a softball well isn't about strong arms.. Your lower body and hips are also important. Good hip rotation will help you generate power so you can swing the bat with authority all the time. Not sure how to do this? Your softball coach can help you get started. You could also check out instructional softball hitting videos to pick up a few hitting tips and drills along the way.
2. Not just any bat will do. Not all softball bats are created equal. Bats are made in different lengths, different weights, different grips, and of different materials. To get the most out of your softball bat, it's important to get one that's the right size for you. It takes some trial and error, but you will eventually make adjustments as you progress as a player. However, what's even more important that an exact weight, size, or brand, is you use one that you're comfortable with. Any time you are uncomfortable in the box, hitting well becomes even more challenging. So, the next time you're in the market for a bat, take the time to try out a few bats until you find one that suits you well.
3. Persistence is key. You may have the best gear and be a part of the best team in the world, but if you don't put in the hours to improve your softball hitting techniques, you never reach your full potential. So when you face challenges in your training, never give up. It is only through persistence that you get the results you want as a softball hitter.
We have kept these tips to improving your softball hitting techniques as simple and fundamental as possible so you have an idea of how to best get started in the game. If you're interested in learning more about softball hitting, check out our softball hitting tips, listen to your softball coach, and maybe even watch some softball hitting videos to help you improve your game.