My SELF or A Tale of Three Minds
Computationally Astute Informational Self
At the deepest informational level, living cell is composed of trillions of quantum variables, qubits. At the physical level, the quantum information stored in these quantum switches or qubits combine in the form of atoms, informational molecules, and other nano structures. Living cells form tissues, organs, and ultimately organized as life-forms including the human body. Therefore, the life forms such as humans are large macroscopic structures, which are buried deep in internal quantum features. From a top-down perspective and as a macroscopic body, humans would be closer to a classical computing or binary processing. At the root level, these structures are computationally astute to take advantage of both binary and quantum mode of information processing.
From a bottom-up perspective and as a quantum inner body, we would be closer to quantum processing. From this perspective, we form a seamless oneness with everything else in the universe. From the top-down view, derived from binary computation, we form a perspective of being separate from the rest. The consciousness is the interface of these two perspectives. On one side of consciousness, there is this grand oneness, whereas, on the other side, the separation with the rest.
Myself is fundamentally an informational entity whose basic aspect of being is the ability to know and act per guidance of a mind influenced by these two perspectives. Many programs drive my conscious self. These programs live in my mind that finally guides myself. My mind directs all the actions of bits and qubits through these programs to cause various experiences of self. Everything that myself does, therefore, can eventually be described by a series of interconnected tiny quantum of action or the qubit or programs governed by the interaction of one or more aspects of my minds.
"C'mon, Papa, we are not like computers with programs running inside of us," my eleven-year-old son Monish exclaimed as he heard of my newfound wisdom.
"Maybe not the kind that we know and are used to, but we compute incessantly and information is also at the root of our being." I was not sure if it consoled him.
Most of us do not see ourselves from this consideration. Our image of ourselves is mostly based of perceptual reality of our senses, consistent with laws of classical physics. We see ourselves as large solid three-dimensional physical beings where energy breaths life into our material body, separate from everyone else. Our top-down view based on binary computation makes us aware of this separation.
The separation leads to incompleteness, the product of which is desire. The most basic desire, common to all life, is of food, or a source of energy. Life is like a toy that operates on batteries. Food is the battery that all variety of life needs. Safety is another desire that is innate and results from preservation of the form. The separation need takes on a wide variety of forms to be complete. The self has evolved to have a free will to pursue the fulfillment of the needs and desires. Humans along with a few other life-forms have evolved a capability that enables a rational mode of processing information using our rational mind. It is physically contained in and informationally synchronized with the emotional mind.
My physical body is my emotional mind and is eventually rooted in the cosmic mind at the quantum level. The emotional mind provides the information network involving the molecules of information and emotion that facilitates communication from nonlocal regime to the self. In other words, the inputs from the cosmic mind are mediated to the living entity through the emotional mind. The emotional mind also links information circuits that allows the decisions from rational mind to reach all part of the physical body. So what I call as myself is interplay of these three minds. Which mind I use is a matter of what I feel is important and where I put my attention.
The nature of myself indicates a tale of three minds-emotional, rational, and cosmic minds-that work in concert, resulting in the experience of the self. Therefore, even though I am physically limited, I am unlimited from informational perspective as myself linked to the cosmic mind spans the whole universe. Each of the three minds contributes differently to the nature of myself by altering the computational mode of this informational entity. Since the nature of the three different minds is decidedly different, their influence results in different nature of the self. Two of these natures of the self are recognizable and present in all of us. First is centered on myself being separate from others, and the second one result from myself as one with others. If you recall from earlier discussions, these are exactly the two basic tendencies that make the cosmic mind or the whole. So from this point of view, self is made in the image of the whole.
Each living cell in my body is a self in its own right. It has made a commitment to support my being. My desires are dictated on my cells through a top-down network of informational commands. My cells obey to fulfill these wishes. Many times, my self-interests will put extra strain on my cells. My cell's functionality depends on it being healthy. Just like I feel tired or sick when my system is overused or abused, each of my cells feel the same through network of informational signals that flow throughout my emotional and rational brain. Each of my cells is also rooted in the cosmic mind and receives signals from that mind in the form of waves of guidance. If signals from rational mind and the cosmic mind do not match, my cells are often in conflict. Which proteins sensors and gears would need to move and in which direction? The conflict leads to internal pain or suffering. Since the programming of our modern, rational mind is often at odds with the functionality of the cosmic mind, this suffering has become a normal feature of our existence.
When rational mind is in a state of surrender, our decisions are made through the cosmic mind. This leads to ease of conflict within and thus a sense of peace or calm spreads throughout the body. The rational mind also can make decisions that can benefit the community or others. In this case, the rational mind works in concert with the cosmic mind as they coconspire to create the reality. Therefore, whether myself operates in a state of surrender to the cosmic mind or works in concert with it, the resultant processor is quantum in nature. I would call it our "quantum self." It is also our bottom-up perspective.
After its origin from quantum information processing, it appears that life has been evolving toward this binary mode of information processing. Our free will allows a choice between the queues from the grand cosmic mind and the rational mind. Through intentionality, we can choose one or the other. When we choose the rational mind over the cosmic mind, we act with our rational mind. This leads to second of the two essential natures of our self. The information processor dominating this nature is binary. I will call this as our binary self. There is a strong temptation for the rational mind to make decisions so that they benefit the self only. This mode of action leads to development of egoic entity, which is highly prevalent in our modern societies.
A Case of Mean Bacteria
Robert Austin of Princeton has been studying the social behavior of bacteria in order to help understand the social dynamics of other organisms, including humans. He has intriguing results about selfish and altruistic individuals and the social dynamics between the two.
Austin and his collaborators have found a single gene that controls bacteria "selfishness." If it is off, bacteria slow down their metabolism and reproduction rate when they sense their environment has been depleted of nutrients. This prevents them from entirely destroying their living space. However, if this gene is turned on the bacteria go right on eating until nothing is left. They even develop the ability to feed off other dead bacteria.
Interestingly, the gene is off by default when bacteria are found in the wild. However, if one puts these in a petridish, and cut off their food supply, the selfish mutants emerge in matter of only days. These mutants consume all the remaining food, including each other, and then starve.
The experiment shows: first, the selfish bacteria win, and then everyone loses. This is a situation where selfish seem to have the advantage over the self-restraining altruists, but if everyone is selfish, then everyone is worse off. These results, however, could not be reproduced in the wild where selfish bacteria would not emerge. The bacteria in the wild exercise restraint, so there must be something different going on in the wild than in the petri-dish. This is a fascinating example where a simple organism like bacteria is informationally able to change the nature of its "self" from quantum to binary depending on the influence of environment.
Modern human device contain both binary, egoic or selfish, and quantum or altruistic self in one body. The result is a conflict or internal unrest that is the prime cause of suffering in modern humans.
An excerpt from the book "Joy From Deep Within", Nature of Quantum Self
At the deepest informational level, living cell is composed of trillions of quantum variables, qubits. At the physical level, the quantum information stored in these quantum switches or qubits combine in the form of atoms, informational molecules, and other nano structures. Living cells form tissues, organs, and ultimately organized as life-forms including the human body. Therefore, the life forms such as humans are large macroscopic structures, which are buried deep in internal quantum features. From a top-down perspective and as a macroscopic body, humans would be closer to a classical computing or binary processing. At the root level, these structures are computationally astute to take advantage of both binary and quantum mode of information processing.
From a bottom-up perspective and as a quantum inner body, we would be closer to quantum processing. From this perspective, we form a seamless oneness with everything else in the universe. From the top-down view, derived from binary computation, we form a perspective of being separate from the rest. The consciousness is the interface of these two perspectives. On one side of consciousness, there is this grand oneness, whereas, on the other side, the separation with the rest.
Myself is fundamentally an informational entity whose basic aspect of being is the ability to know and act per guidance of a mind influenced by these two perspectives. Many programs drive my conscious self. These programs live in my mind that finally guides myself. My mind directs all the actions of bits and qubits through these programs to cause various experiences of self. Everything that myself does, therefore, can eventually be described by a series of interconnected tiny quantum of action or the qubit or programs governed by the interaction of one or more aspects of my minds.
"C'mon, Papa, we are not like computers with programs running inside of us," my eleven-year-old son Monish exclaimed as he heard of my newfound wisdom.
"Maybe not the kind that we know and are used to, but we compute incessantly and information is also at the root of our being." I was not sure if it consoled him.
Most of us do not see ourselves from this consideration. Our image of ourselves is mostly based of perceptual reality of our senses, consistent with laws of classical physics. We see ourselves as large solid three-dimensional physical beings where energy breaths life into our material body, separate from everyone else. Our top-down view based on binary computation makes us aware of this separation.
The separation leads to incompleteness, the product of which is desire. The most basic desire, common to all life, is of food, or a source of energy. Life is like a toy that operates on batteries. Food is the battery that all variety of life needs. Safety is another desire that is innate and results from preservation of the form. The separation need takes on a wide variety of forms to be complete. The self has evolved to have a free will to pursue the fulfillment of the needs and desires. Humans along with a few other life-forms have evolved a capability that enables a rational mode of processing information using our rational mind. It is physically contained in and informationally synchronized with the emotional mind.
My physical body is my emotional mind and is eventually rooted in the cosmic mind at the quantum level. The emotional mind provides the information network involving the molecules of information and emotion that facilitates communication from nonlocal regime to the self. In other words, the inputs from the cosmic mind are mediated to the living entity through the emotional mind. The emotional mind also links information circuits that allows the decisions from rational mind to reach all part of the physical body. So what I call as myself is interplay of these three minds. Which mind I use is a matter of what I feel is important and where I put my attention.
The nature of myself indicates a tale of three minds-emotional, rational, and cosmic minds-that work in concert, resulting in the experience of the self. Therefore, even though I am physically limited, I am unlimited from informational perspective as myself linked to the cosmic mind spans the whole universe. Each of the three minds contributes differently to the nature of myself by altering the computational mode of this informational entity. Since the nature of the three different minds is decidedly different, their influence results in different nature of the self. Two of these natures of the self are recognizable and present in all of us. First is centered on myself being separate from others, and the second one result from myself as one with others. If you recall from earlier discussions, these are exactly the two basic tendencies that make the cosmic mind or the whole. So from this point of view, self is made in the image of the whole.
Each living cell in my body is a self in its own right. It has made a commitment to support my being. My desires are dictated on my cells through a top-down network of informational commands. My cells obey to fulfill these wishes. Many times, my self-interests will put extra strain on my cells. My cell's functionality depends on it being healthy. Just like I feel tired or sick when my system is overused or abused, each of my cells feel the same through network of informational signals that flow throughout my emotional and rational brain. Each of my cells is also rooted in the cosmic mind and receives signals from that mind in the form of waves of guidance. If signals from rational mind and the cosmic mind do not match, my cells are often in conflict. Which proteins sensors and gears would need to move and in which direction? The conflict leads to internal pain or suffering. Since the programming of our modern, rational mind is often at odds with the functionality of the cosmic mind, this suffering has become a normal feature of our existence.
When rational mind is in a state of surrender, our decisions are made through the cosmic mind. This leads to ease of conflict within and thus a sense of peace or calm spreads throughout the body. The rational mind also can make decisions that can benefit the community or others. In this case, the rational mind works in concert with the cosmic mind as they coconspire to create the reality. Therefore, whether myself operates in a state of surrender to the cosmic mind or works in concert with it, the resultant processor is quantum in nature. I would call it our "quantum self." It is also our bottom-up perspective.
After its origin from quantum information processing, it appears that life has been evolving toward this binary mode of information processing. Our free will allows a choice between the queues from the grand cosmic mind and the rational mind. Through intentionality, we can choose one or the other. When we choose the rational mind over the cosmic mind, we act with our rational mind. This leads to second of the two essential natures of our self. The information processor dominating this nature is binary. I will call this as our binary self. There is a strong temptation for the rational mind to make decisions so that they benefit the self only. This mode of action leads to development of egoic entity, which is highly prevalent in our modern societies.
A Case of Mean Bacteria
Robert Austin of Princeton has been studying the social behavior of bacteria in order to help understand the social dynamics of other organisms, including humans. He has intriguing results about selfish and altruistic individuals and the social dynamics between the two.
Austin and his collaborators have found a single gene that controls bacteria "selfishness." If it is off, bacteria slow down their metabolism and reproduction rate when they sense their environment has been depleted of nutrients. This prevents them from entirely destroying their living space. However, if this gene is turned on the bacteria go right on eating until nothing is left. They even develop the ability to feed off other dead bacteria.
Interestingly, the gene is off by default when bacteria are found in the wild. However, if one puts these in a petridish, and cut off their food supply, the selfish mutants emerge in matter of only days. These mutants consume all the remaining food, including each other, and then starve.
The experiment shows: first, the selfish bacteria win, and then everyone loses. This is a situation where selfish seem to have the advantage over the self-restraining altruists, but if everyone is selfish, then everyone is worse off. These results, however, could not be reproduced in the wild where selfish bacteria would not emerge. The bacteria in the wild exercise restraint, so there must be something different going on in the wild than in the petri-dish. This is a fascinating example where a simple organism like bacteria is informationally able to change the nature of its "self" from quantum to binary depending on the influence of environment.
Modern human device contain both binary, egoic or selfish, and quantum or altruistic self in one body. The result is a conflict or internal unrest that is the prime cause of suffering in modern humans.
An excerpt from the book "Joy From Deep Within", Nature of Quantum Self