Working Process of Xtreme Nitro
What should do just he something anyways okay even if its you know him although not so Ram pal up and amps your candy you know me and now obviously there's good news and bad foods and don't worry about that for now is again when you run into that problem gaining too much weight I'll make another video for you and let you know hey guys this is what you do now to go ahead and cut down at that okay until then just eat something to get used to those habits now tip number four is workout okay if you eat you follow those three tips on eating a don't do the workouts I guarantee you will get that gay are you going to have a big belly you start seeing backing everywhere but if you work out all those extra calories majority this can turn a muscle or you will carry on some at shirt that no big deal when you €retrying to block up okay worry about setting that that a little later gate you're not going to be only get six-pack abs and gain weight at the same time it's pretty much impossible okay so don't worry about that were happening on the size purse salted number four is working now you want to work out of four days a week game don't try to work out seven days a week and the reason why is because if you're skinny dipping your body naturally burns off a lot of calories as really hard holders actually calories in so if you're doing the workouts you're basically burning after collars which means that the e more so I don't want you to burn too much calories if you work out seven days a week so isomer important when you're getting size makes you get your nutrition in make sure you get your rest game issue sleep eight hours and when it comes to work now you only want to work out about four days a week UK you want to do that for about a month or two months to this we have three days to recover and also during those three days just does not work now doesn't mean you're not using you're still on the same rules put everything down when it comes your workouts very important number one you got to do compound movements okay compound movements are pretty much anything that small t joints on the names were examples bench presses compound movement %upstanding military press basic compound movement by squats dead this of compound movements you want to go ahead and pretty much use as much free weights as you can see it this way you can use stabilizer muscles lift heavy good form and stay consistent on it four days a week okay if you want to go-ahead and build HS you can't go with light weights I just doing a whole bunch pushups gay got bench press they got a grab heavy dumbbells and gold good form a new chest presses the only way can allow your muscles get bigger is the for something bigger and all wean force them is get bigger forced them to get bigger is the use aweigh that have enough so they have to get beer game once you think about this way your muscles all that BS strong as they need to be so if you're grabbing let's say I click on dumbbell you doing my chest presses you want to just get bigger where your chess with you just big enough to handle that twenty pounds dumbbells so now if you want to get bigger than that you have ground as a 30-pound dumbbells and of course then again he is going to kind of tough because just not used to present that way but because you're still trying to do it your body's going to force your chess you're basically force your chest to be able to handle 30-pound dumbbells so what does it do they have to go ahead and get bigger in order to him that way eventually keep moving moving up to keep moving up people yup tames get bigger and bigger and bigger okay so no forget those forces number one eat.