Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #46
I was asked a question recently and thought I would pose the same question to you.
What monetary value do you put on your health? Think about this.
You put a monetary value on your home, on your car, on your furniture..
all these things have a monetary value and yet they can be replaced.
Now, let's look at your health.
Is it irreplaceable? I asked a friend this same question, and she said her health is priceless.
Well, what exactly does priceless mean in the context of health.
Before we do this, let's look at an heirloom which is considered priceless to many.
Thus, it's irreplaceable.
You take care of that heirloom.
You place it in a space that is protected.
You focus on that heirloom with such profound love because you want it to last so you can pass it on to family members.
The intent is this heirloom stays in wonderful condition in order to preserve its meaning to all the family who will care for it for years to come.
We look at that heirloom and say this is a part of us and it has incredible value.
Well if our health is priceless, then shouldn't we be treating it in the same respect as our heirloom?Shouldn't we be preserving our health and loving our bodies so that our family gets the benefit of what meaning we serve in their lives.
Yet, how many of us actually do this on a conscious level? Most of the population doesn't take the time nor invest in themselves monetarily choosing those things that will affirm nurturing, love and protection for its most valuable heirloom - YOU!Giving to ourselves each and everyday and investing in those things that affirm health is the most valuable thing you can give your family.
Which would you rather give your family?A necklace passed down from your great grandmother or a healthy, vibrant YOU filled with love for yourself?Which one has more value to pass down from generation to generation? I can speak about this as my mother died in 1987.
I have my mother's wedding rings that I will pass on, and they do have great meaning.
However, I would choose to have a mother who knew how to love herself, who knew how to take care of herself so that I could have learned from her in how to do this for myself.
What greater gift is there to pass on? I spent many years in struggle not understanding how to love myself.
It wasn't just from my mother; it was from my father as well.
Neither one of them knew how to love themselves.
Guess what?Now, I have learned how to do this, and am showing my daughter, Lindsay, what this looks like.
She, in turn, is finding incredible value from this as she is understanding and taking action in how to do this for herself.
As a 21 year old intelligent, beautiful woman, she does the following: oeats nutritious foods oexercises osurrounds herself with positive people oreads spiritual books oloves spending time with herself ogets massages osees a Naturopathic doctor and nutritionist osees a chiropractor odates a young man who treats her with kindness oa senior at the University of Washington majoring in business, and regularly makes the Dean's list I am so proud of Lindsay.
This picture of her would have looked much different if I hadn't learned how to lead by example So let's go back to my original question.
What monetary value do you put on your health? My answer to this question is..
over a million dollars.
Thus, I choose to invest my money where I will get the greatest return and that is in myself and Lindsay to keep affirming loving ourselves.
Look at this priceless gift that will be passed down to generations to come.
Is it worth it?Every penny! I think of the money that it cost me when I lived in struggle, the energy and the time.
Then I have to figure in the monetary amount impact to everyone else when I didn't love myself.
Protect and nurture YOU to pass down the value to your future generations.
If you truly are ready to learn how to love yourself, contact me at tami@tamiclose.
com or call me at 360-792-2209 to set up a FREE strategy session.
Show your family members what they mean to you.
The cycle of struggle can stop with you.
Love and hugs, Tami *********************************************** Helping people fall in love...
with themselves Tami Close Weight Loss Consultant 2916 N.
Bucklin Hill Rd.
#291 Silverdale, WA 98383 360-792-2209 http://www.
What monetary value do you put on your health? Think about this.
You put a monetary value on your home, on your car, on your furniture..
all these things have a monetary value and yet they can be replaced.
Now, let's look at your health.
Is it irreplaceable? I asked a friend this same question, and she said her health is priceless.
Well, what exactly does priceless mean in the context of health.
Before we do this, let's look at an heirloom which is considered priceless to many.
Thus, it's irreplaceable.
You take care of that heirloom.
You place it in a space that is protected.
You focus on that heirloom with such profound love because you want it to last so you can pass it on to family members.
The intent is this heirloom stays in wonderful condition in order to preserve its meaning to all the family who will care for it for years to come.
We look at that heirloom and say this is a part of us and it has incredible value.
Well if our health is priceless, then shouldn't we be treating it in the same respect as our heirloom?Shouldn't we be preserving our health and loving our bodies so that our family gets the benefit of what meaning we serve in their lives.
Yet, how many of us actually do this on a conscious level? Most of the population doesn't take the time nor invest in themselves monetarily choosing those things that will affirm nurturing, love and protection for its most valuable heirloom - YOU!Giving to ourselves each and everyday and investing in those things that affirm health is the most valuable thing you can give your family.
Which would you rather give your family?A necklace passed down from your great grandmother or a healthy, vibrant YOU filled with love for yourself?Which one has more value to pass down from generation to generation? I can speak about this as my mother died in 1987.
I have my mother's wedding rings that I will pass on, and they do have great meaning.
However, I would choose to have a mother who knew how to love herself, who knew how to take care of herself so that I could have learned from her in how to do this for myself.
What greater gift is there to pass on? I spent many years in struggle not understanding how to love myself.
It wasn't just from my mother; it was from my father as well.
Neither one of them knew how to love themselves.
Guess what?Now, I have learned how to do this, and am showing my daughter, Lindsay, what this looks like.
She, in turn, is finding incredible value from this as she is understanding and taking action in how to do this for herself.
As a 21 year old intelligent, beautiful woman, she does the following: oeats nutritious foods oexercises osurrounds herself with positive people oreads spiritual books oloves spending time with herself ogets massages osees a Naturopathic doctor and nutritionist osees a chiropractor odates a young man who treats her with kindness oa senior at the University of Washington majoring in business, and regularly makes the Dean's list I am so proud of Lindsay.
This picture of her would have looked much different if I hadn't learned how to lead by example So let's go back to my original question.
What monetary value do you put on your health? My answer to this question is..
over a million dollars.
Thus, I choose to invest my money where I will get the greatest return and that is in myself and Lindsay to keep affirming loving ourselves.
Look at this priceless gift that will be passed down to generations to come.
Is it worth it?Every penny! I think of the money that it cost me when I lived in struggle, the energy and the time.
Then I have to figure in the monetary amount impact to everyone else when I didn't love myself.
Protect and nurture YOU to pass down the value to your future generations.
If you truly are ready to learn how to love yourself, contact me at tami@tamiclose.
com or call me at 360-792-2209 to set up a FREE strategy session.
Show your family members what they mean to you.
The cycle of struggle can stop with you.
Love and hugs, Tami *********************************************** Helping people fall in love...
with themselves Tami Close Weight Loss Consultant 2916 N.
Bucklin Hill Rd.
#291 Silverdale, WA 98383 360-792-2209 http://www.