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How To Count Calories And Lose Weight

How we lose weight is quite a simple formula, we have to burn more calories on a daily basis than we consume.
If we do this, our bodies will be forced to feed on the excess fat we have stored in order to generate energy.
So if you want to lose weight, it is important that you have a good awareness of how many calories you are consuming, this is where calorie counting can help.
What Is A Calorie? A calorie is simply a unit of measurement which is used to measure the amount of energy contained in food and drink.
Calories are not a bad thing, we need them in order to function properly and need a decent amount of them every day.
Every Calorie Counts Here in the UK, the government provides us with guidelines regarding the amount of calories we should consume each day.
For men it is 2500 a day, and 2000 calories for woman, a good goal is to try and cut around 500 calories a day.
Every single item you eat or drink contains calories, but some items such as fizzy drinks have what is known as empty calories because they contain no nutritional value.
You must make each calorie count and make sure you eat a nutritional diet.
Read Food Labels To be able to count calories effectively, you need to be aware of how many calories you are actually eating.
Get in the habit of reading food labels, especially at the supermarket before you buy food.
Calorie content, the amount of fat and saturated fat, and also the salt content is all printed on the food label.
Be aware of some of the processed ready meals branded as healthy options, you may be surprised at how many calories, salt and fat they actually contain.
Practice Portion Control Portion control is a vital part of counting calories and losing weight.
You need to keep track of every serving of food you prepare and eat.
Start measuring your food out in serving sizes (use the label as a guide), you will need to use scales, this is a vital part of successful calorie counting.
How can you know how many calories you are consuming if you just pour it out of a bag, packet or box? Take the time to weigh portions carefully, it really is time well invested.
Now that you know how to count calories and lose weight, go and develop the habit of counting calories.
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