Golf Swing Speed, the Lunge and Twist Style
To have the correct Golf swing speed is a much coveted golfing principle as it works to win very lucrative golf tournaments, from the Master, PGAs to European tournaments. But the problem with many would be great golfers is, they look for the speed in expensive drivers and some untested and biased golfing instructions that really will never help. These folks actually need to change direction and concentrate on the center of power to enact the perfect golf speed. And the question, therefore is, what is this golf speed center of power? And the answer is; a golfer's own body.
Don't make the mistake of thinking that golfing success solely relies on the golf club, the golf ball and the golf course among other things. Your body is actually the sole reason why you will either win or lose a game of golf. You need to begin thinking like the runner or basketball athlete who works to improve the body with exercise and skill. Such concerted skill training ensures that your Golf swing speed is up to par with the best of the golfers who have mastered it. The necessary blend of lower and upper part body strokes makes for a better power off the golf tee and increases the golf speed tremendously.
One very workable- experimented and found to work method to increase your Golf swing speed involves twisting and lunging style strength. This style is a means to combine and balance the basic rotation of the body movement with the lower part of the body to also work with the distance. The work-out involves using a dumbbell or a medicine ball, and moving one leg in front at a time and swinging the heavy dumbbell on one side is one part of the exercise. The swinging allows for a rotation on your body while at the same time building the lower part of your body for the best golf speed.
You are told to re-do the swinging changing legs every after one instance for one leg. This should be done 10 times allocated for each single set to get your golf body in shape. Getting the Golf swing speed to that allowable and acceptable level should be treated with the level of concern and dedication it deserves. This is the only way you can be assured of getting the speed right and winning the tournaments easily and constantly.
Slicing the golf ball once is embarrassing. Slicing the golf ball swing after swing is humiliating. One of the fastest way to improve your golf game is to ask a golf swing coach to concentrate golf swing practice. The next best way is to study and understand the correct golf swing mechanics. Do you have these 3 problems with your golf swing: 1) inconsistency; 2) slice; 3) distance? Find out how to improve your golf swing and cut your Handicap by 7-12 Strokes and Lengthen your Drive in just 2 Weeks. Check out my Golf Tips blog:....
Don't make the mistake of thinking that golfing success solely relies on the golf club, the golf ball and the golf course among other things. Your body is actually the sole reason why you will either win or lose a game of golf. You need to begin thinking like the runner or basketball athlete who works to improve the body with exercise and skill. Such concerted skill training ensures that your Golf swing speed is up to par with the best of the golfers who have mastered it. The necessary blend of lower and upper part body strokes makes for a better power off the golf tee and increases the golf speed tremendously.
One very workable- experimented and found to work method to increase your Golf swing speed involves twisting and lunging style strength. This style is a means to combine and balance the basic rotation of the body movement with the lower part of the body to also work with the distance. The work-out involves using a dumbbell or a medicine ball, and moving one leg in front at a time and swinging the heavy dumbbell on one side is one part of the exercise. The swinging allows for a rotation on your body while at the same time building the lower part of your body for the best golf speed.
You are told to re-do the swinging changing legs every after one instance for one leg. This should be done 10 times allocated for each single set to get your golf body in shape. Getting the Golf swing speed to that allowable and acceptable level should be treated with the level of concern and dedication it deserves. This is the only way you can be assured of getting the speed right and winning the tournaments easily and constantly.
Slicing the golf ball once is embarrassing. Slicing the golf ball swing after swing is humiliating. One of the fastest way to improve your golf game is to ask a golf swing coach to concentrate golf swing practice. The next best way is to study and understand the correct golf swing mechanics. Do you have these 3 problems with your golf swing: 1) inconsistency; 2) slice; 3) distance? Find out how to improve your golf swing and cut your Handicap by 7-12 Strokes and Lengthen your Drive in just 2 Weeks. Check out my Golf Tips blog:....