Benefits of Green Barley (with Pictures)
Enzymes are the machinery that makes cells function, but most people don't eat enough raw foods to get the essential level of enzymes. Green barley contains over 1,000 enzymes.
SOD (superoxide dismutase)
Green barley is the single best source of superoxide dismutase, a powerful antioxidant and enzyme that can slow the process of aging by reducing cellular damage from free radicals.
Amino Acids
Green barley has eighteen amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, and protein is essential for the replication and functioning of every cell in your body.
Whole Food
Because of its blend of vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and minerals, green barley is a total or whole food. Consuming it daily will provide a good portion of your recommended daily intake of each component.
When you first start eating green barley, using the powder or drinking it as a tea, you might have diarrhea and nausea. This typically goes away within a few days, or by decreasing your intake and working up to 1 gram per day. People with eczema and acne might notice an initial worsening of their symptoms, but green barley can actually improve both conditions with long-term use.