My Favorite Taylormade R9 Forged Irons Review
Today, I would like to say something about my favorite Taylormade R9 Forged Irons. Since I bought them, they have been nice helpers of me to make golfing a easy job. Now let me introduce them to you so you will get familiar with them.
TaylorMade seems to have made it its mission in recent years to reinvent what the phrase "classic golf club" means. For example, they have taken the pear-shaped driver and morphed it into a geometrical tinker toy that looks both modern and classic at the same time. Now, their researchers and designers have turned their attention to creating a classic/modern iron.
This is quite a bit to ask of any golf club and when a company makes claims like this they better back it up with new technologies and improved performance. Taylormade has done quite a good job of doing so and provides many new and innovative technologies in this new iron set.
The clubface of the R9 uses the inverted cone technology on the inner side of the clubface for consistent ball speed on off-center hits. Using that as their foundation, the new R9 irons long and mid irons were designed separately from the short irons to optimize performance in each club.
Some other reviews have stated that the R9 Forged Irons are made for the better golfers, but that is simply not true. These irons are designed with the mid handicap golfer between about a 10 and 18 in mind. They are not going to be a good choice for a beginner or a high handicap golfer because they are not the most forgiving and easiest to hit iron on the market. They are also not all that great for the single digit handicap player that likes to work the ball both ways. These are perfect for the middle of the road handicap player that wants a little more distance without sacrificing control.
To draw a conclusion, the Taylormade R9 Forged Irons are really easy to hit. If you feel the golf suit your current level, then it will be a great addition to your bag.