Do you ever feel like giving up?
Ever feel like giving up?
Never do you realize your strengths over your weaknesses more than when the time comes in your life when you feel like giving up. You're always faced with two choices; Its either you are or you're not, right? But unfortunately it's much easier for us to pick out our weakness and let it take control of our lives. €I have never done that..€ €Well that person has it better than me€¦€ €But I am not good at talking to people€¦€. It's sounds more like you're just not good at talking to yourself.
The time always come when you're faced with a new challenge and start to doubt yourself. I have faced it many times in my life, in fact I am facing it right now. What happens is simple really, we begin to find reasons and excuses to comfort ourselves back into our little bubble of existence. Where we know everything and can be in control, we get to push the button and everything is so wonderful€¦ and essentially, we stay the same. We want things to change deep down inside but fear itself is the best tranquilizer known to man. Without fear bullies would be out of business, our government would be for its people, and I would be the most famous person in the world. Well maybe not the last one, but why not? It's fear that controls us more than any other emotion. Fear of being alone, fear of death, fear of change, fear of being hurt, being wrong, crowds, dogs, speaking€¦.but most of all, failing.
The fear of failure overtakes your senses and can do a number on your self esteem. So how do you over come this, fear? I don't have all the answers but I do know that it starts with you. When I am faced with challenges in my life I tend to do one of two things; freeze or learn. Lately I have been choosing the later and learning how to overcome those fears by seeking knowledge and talking to myself. Not loony bin crazy talking to myself but taking the time to really listen to what is stopping me from taking action. I then figure out what I can do to take that fear and make it my strength.
By not giving up I have opened doors I once only imagined. So remember next time you are facing a tough obstacle, stop, listen to yourself, and learn. You will not only be motivated by your new found knowledge but you will feel a whole lot better about yourself too€¦ So Go Ahead, Be Satisfied!
Jason Graham
C.O.O of Smurk Creative
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Never do you realize your strengths over your weaknesses more than when the time comes in your life when you feel like giving up. You're always faced with two choices; Its either you are or you're not, right? But unfortunately it's much easier for us to pick out our weakness and let it take control of our lives. €I have never done that..€ €Well that person has it better than me€¦€ €But I am not good at talking to people€¦€. It's sounds more like you're just not good at talking to yourself.
The time always come when you're faced with a new challenge and start to doubt yourself. I have faced it many times in my life, in fact I am facing it right now. What happens is simple really, we begin to find reasons and excuses to comfort ourselves back into our little bubble of existence. Where we know everything and can be in control, we get to push the button and everything is so wonderful€¦ and essentially, we stay the same. We want things to change deep down inside but fear itself is the best tranquilizer known to man. Without fear bullies would be out of business, our government would be for its people, and I would be the most famous person in the world. Well maybe not the last one, but why not? It's fear that controls us more than any other emotion. Fear of being alone, fear of death, fear of change, fear of being hurt, being wrong, crowds, dogs, speaking€¦.but most of all, failing.
The fear of failure overtakes your senses and can do a number on your self esteem. So how do you over come this, fear? I don't have all the answers but I do know that it starts with you. When I am faced with challenges in my life I tend to do one of two things; freeze or learn. Lately I have been choosing the later and learning how to overcome those fears by seeking knowledge and talking to myself. Not loony bin crazy talking to myself but taking the time to really listen to what is stopping me from taking action. I then figure out what I can do to take that fear and make it my strength.
By not giving up I have opened doors I once only imagined. So remember next time you are facing a tough obstacle, stop, listen to yourself, and learn. You will not only be motivated by your new found knowledge but you will feel a whole lot better about yourself too€¦ So Go Ahead, Be Satisfied!
Jason Graham
C.O.O of Smurk Creative
Remember to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. If that's not enough and you want more to Smurk about Subscribe to our RSS feed.