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Want to Lose Weight Without Counting Calories"

You know what kills me?  Basically all nutritionist are alike in their way of thinking and teaching.  They think counting calories is
the best way to lose weight.

Their theory usually goes something like this:

  • In order to lose weight you must either take in less calories than you use or burn off the excess calories with exercise.

  • Calories in verses calories out determines weight gain or loss.

  • Excess calories taken in will turn into fat if you don't burn them off.

Have you ever noticed the people who are always counting calories are the very ones that are overweight and can never seem to lose?

Here it is in a nutshell.

Your body is a very complex machine.   It is a living breathing entity with it's own unique intelligence system. This intellect decides when and how

the calories you take in are used and in which areas it thinks the calories are needed the most.  In fact, the decision your own body makes on how

to distribute the calories is secondary to the amount of calories actually consumed.

Then there are the ones that simply overeat. But there a large percentage of people who are serious about losing weight and excess
calories is not their problem.

Regular diets just don't work. I'll repeat:  Regular diets just don't work.

It is a proven fact, 5 out 6 people who try to lose weight are unsuccessful. On the other hand over 90% that do lose weight will end up

gaining most if not all of it back in less than 2 years.  With this news, you're probably wondering what's the point of even trying?

This is where you have to accept the fact of trying to starve  yourself thin does not and will not work. Plus starving yourself thin is

detrimental to your health.

When you decrease calories and are hungry, you are forcing your body to fight back.  It thinks it's starving so it will do everything within it's
power to preserve fat.  Instead of losing fat the body will lose fluids, muscle, bone and some vital organ mass.

The mechanics for controlling your weight is automatic within your self. It can be compared to a thermostat controlling the temperature
in your house.

Whenever you want to change the temperature in your home you adjust the thermostat. The same is true when you want to
make life changes within your body's system.  The thermostat for your body is your metabolism.

This is the key.

The body knows what weight it feels comfortable at (let's call it your set point) and will fight to maintain that level.  So, when you are
starving yourself thin it has the reverse result. Your metabolism slows to the point where it will almost stop burning calories making it
extremely difficult to lose any weight at all.

The secret is to change your metabolism with exercise or food.  You can do one or both and get the results you need.  You can't continue

with the same kind of diet and exercise that you've done in the past.

This new change includes eating differently but not less and the exercises will be different but not more.

Here are the two main proven secrets you must do for healthy fat loss.

  • You must train your body to store energy and not fat

  • You must over consume protein

This sounds simple enough.  The end result of these two secrets is you change your metabolism by adjusting your set point. This will
increase the calories used for maintenance & repair and will decrease the calories used for fat deposition.

Convince Your Body To Invest In Fat Loss Instead of Fat Gain

Your body makes all of it's decisions concerning energy reserves based solely for the sake of survival dating back to the days of the
caveman.  A drop in protein and calories tells the body it's starving DO SOMETHING!. So the metabolism slows down and burns less energy.
An increase in protein and calories tells the body it's OK to burn some energy.

During the increased periods, the body stores energy for procreation and fat loss. The extra protein is used to increase the growth hormones and
sex hormones along with lowering your insulin.  Having sex and babies requires a lot of energy.

This happens only when there is a substantial increase
in protein and calories.

During the decreased periods, the body does not supply much toward growth or sex hormones therefore increasing insulin resulting in fat gain.

In these modern times including excessive stress levels combined with a nutrient poor diet and bad eating habits your body thinks it's in the starvation mode most
of the time.

Your metabolism prepares for the worst case by slowing down reducing growth and sex hormones but increasing your insulin.
You not only are hungry, but you gain weight and feel tired and sluggish.

So give up the tofu and whole grain breads.  Eat a lot of steak and eggs. Our parents always told us these were the healthy foods and would
make us grow up to be big and strong like them.  And it was the truth.


The best source of red meat is more expensive but is worth it in the long run. It comes from grass fed animals. Grass fed beef eliminates
body fat while it pumps up your muscles.

Start out by eating a minimal of 1 gram of protein per day for every pound of lean body mass.  You can ask your doctor or the trainer at the
gym to help you measure your body composition.

An example would be: If a person weighed 180 pounds and had 60 pounds of body fat; the lean body mass would be 120 pounds. This means, a person should
consume at least 120 grams of protein each day.

An egg equals 6 grams of protein and a quarter pound of steak equals 20 grams of protein.
So, if you need to take in 120 grams each day, you can eat a LOT of steak and eggs.   ENJOY!

Cutting your carbs would be another way to keep your metabolism from storing fat.  Our ancestors did not eat a lot of grains, so we should keep them at
a minimum.  The scientific approach would be to use the glycemic index to determine the amount of insulin different foods will stimulate based on the carbs
they contain.

Last but not least; In order to maximize your fat loss and increase your lean body mass, exercise in ways that burns a lot of energy fast.  Fat is a slow burning
fuel so this is very import, it will send more energy to the muscles in the form of glycogen.

Some examples of exercises are ones that will leave you panting when you're finished like:  calisthenics, short sprints, weight training,
running, biking; any activity that works the legs.

Remember to start off light and gradually build up.  Rome was not built in a day and this will take time also.

You may consider taking an appetite suppressant to help you on your new life change. I've included a link for your convenience.
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