Video: How to Make a Sea Breeze
Video Transcript
Now I am going to show you how to make a Sea Breeze which has vodka, grapefruit juice, and cranberry juice, so basically its¡¯ a greyhound combined with a cape cod. First up I¡¯m going to take a glass and fill it up with ice, oops, there you are remember not too much ice not too little ice. Ok, I¡¯m going to pour in the vodka first and once of vodka and I¡¯ll count with you, I guess I¡¯m like a little kid right? One one-thousand, two one-thousand, three one-thousand, four one-thousand, done. Now I'm going to pour in the grapefruit juice and I¡¯m going to make it half way up there so I can get an equal amount of the cranberry juice, ok, that looks good. Finally, I am going to pour in the cranberry juice, ahh great, and of course I am going to have to stir it, mmm very nice. Now if you notice the Sea Breeze has more of a pinkish mauvish color where as the maudris right here has more of an orangish color. Very interesting and there¡¯s also a drink very similar to this called the bay breeze. Now with the Bay Breeze rather than using grapefruit juice you just use pineapple juice instead.