Dealing with the Issues of Addiction Recovery
The period of addiction recovery, which falls in between detoxing and feeling like a normal person once again, can be a very long road. Many times addicts don't make it through their recovery because it takes so much time to see that life really has improved. Physically and mentally you may not feel very well. Addiction recovery that is splayed all over TV is not a very accurate depiction.
Depending on your drug of choice, it can take anywhere from 3 months to 18 months for your brain's receptors to heal. This can be a very long wait for normal living to begin. Yet, you can still follow through with healthy actions and eventually you will start to notice the little things are improving.
Don't replace your addiction with a new addiction. It's not common for recovering addicts to find new ways to get high in a simple effort to feel normal. Huffing, over the counter highs, and even caffeine and sugar rushes are commonly used to try to treat the lethargy and depression. If the first thought that accompanies stress is along the lines of how much better life was when you had the option to cope with pharmaceuticals or alcohol then you are still in need of intervention help.
Perhaps the one thing that can mentally keep you going is remembering the withdrawal. Some addicts spend 3 full months having withdrawal symptoms. Once you've battled your way past it, why would you want to toss it away on a single temporary solution?
One of the best ways to shorten the recovery period is to pay attention to your nutritional needs and get out of your house at least once per day. Exercise, nutritional support, and friends and family fun can truly be the simplest and most effective remedy for the daily drudgery you are feeling. It helps time pass and it helps to release positive brain chemicals to help your brain heal. Nutritional support is the fastest way to induce healing. Some people in the addiction recovery stage actually go on a superfoods diet, eating only those foods that qualify as a superfood, in order to speed recovery. This isn't a bad idea except that you have to ensure you receive ample protein to help get through your symptoms much faster.
Even though it is wildly frustrating and you are probably feeling things like anger and depression, this period will pass. Every day that you make it through the addiction recovery period is one less day that you'll have to continue to live like this. Talk to professionals, let your family and friends know that you're struggling and could use some good clean fun, and work on getting your body as physically healthy as possible. This will cut your period often by as much as 50%.
Depending on your drug of choice, it can take anywhere from 3 months to 18 months for your brain's receptors to heal. This can be a very long wait for normal living to begin. Yet, you can still follow through with healthy actions and eventually you will start to notice the little things are improving.
Don't replace your addiction with a new addiction. It's not common for recovering addicts to find new ways to get high in a simple effort to feel normal. Huffing, over the counter highs, and even caffeine and sugar rushes are commonly used to try to treat the lethargy and depression. If the first thought that accompanies stress is along the lines of how much better life was when you had the option to cope with pharmaceuticals or alcohol then you are still in need of intervention help.
Perhaps the one thing that can mentally keep you going is remembering the withdrawal. Some addicts spend 3 full months having withdrawal symptoms. Once you've battled your way past it, why would you want to toss it away on a single temporary solution?
One of the best ways to shorten the recovery period is to pay attention to your nutritional needs and get out of your house at least once per day. Exercise, nutritional support, and friends and family fun can truly be the simplest and most effective remedy for the daily drudgery you are feeling. It helps time pass and it helps to release positive brain chemicals to help your brain heal. Nutritional support is the fastest way to induce healing. Some people in the addiction recovery stage actually go on a superfoods diet, eating only those foods that qualify as a superfood, in order to speed recovery. This isn't a bad idea except that you have to ensure you receive ample protein to help get through your symptoms much faster.
Even though it is wildly frustrating and you are probably feeling things like anger and depression, this period will pass. Every day that you make it through the addiction recovery period is one less day that you'll have to continue to live like this. Talk to professionals, let your family and friends know that you're struggling and could use some good clean fun, and work on getting your body as physically healthy as possible. This will cut your period often by as much as 50%.