How to Lose Weight in 30 Days by Doing Just One Exercise
- 1). Wear comfortable walking shoes that have plenty of room in the toe area, and good support not only for your arches but also for your ankles. With each step your foot rolls from the heel to the toes, with more bend at your toes than at your heel. Look for shoes with flexible soles, lightweight material and a low heel all of which support the way your foot moves as you walk.
- 2). Walk at least 20 minutes, three or more times a week. Use a pedometer to count your steps. Increase the number of steps by 500 or more each week, until you can walk 30 to 45 minutes comfortably.
- 3). Walk faster to increase the intensity of your workout. Make it your goal to walk a mile in 15 minutes or three miles in 45 minutes. If your stride is about 2 feet, three miles takes about 9,000 steps.
- 4). Create more intensity in your walking regimen by changing the terrain. Walk up and down hills or walk on sand to work the large muscles on your hips and legs.
- 5). Add stair-climbing to your walking regimen. Climbing stairs is a more intense exercise than walking on level ground because your legs have to lift your entire weight with each stair step. Climbing stairs helps you lose weight, and also strengthens your heart and lungs.