Introducing a Revolutionary Secret to Lose 5 Pounds a Day - Fast!
In your quest to lose 5 pounds a day you are likely to hear of plenty of miracle weight loss programs that promise to make the weight drop off your body at a super quick rate.
Don't believe all you hear! Attempting to lose 5 pounds a day is too much too soon.
For one thing, the weight you will be losing with a crash diet or weight loss pills will largely be water weight and getting rid of the water volume in your body is only a short time solution.
If, however, you are very keen to lose 5 pounds a day, here is one thing you can do so that you can squeeze yourself into that slinky new bikini or look fantastic in that strappy dress.
Stocking Up on Water to Lose 5 Pounds a Day You body can do without food for one day without suffering any long-term ill effects.
If you want to lose 5 pounds a day one of the most effective strategies would be to go off food completely for one day and drink only water - gallons of it.
The benefits of drinking water when you want to whisk the weight off you in 24 hours...
- Water contains zero calories.
The more water you drink, the more sated you feel and the less intense your hunger cravings are likely to be.
What better way to feel full without taking in one single excess calorie! - Water keeps you hydrated and flushes out the toxins from your body.
While it is decidedly unsafe to go on a "water-only" diet for more than a day, it is the most effective way to lose 5 pounds a day if you need to shed it quick.
Don't believe all you hear! Attempting to lose 5 pounds a day is too much too soon.
For one thing, the weight you will be losing with a crash diet or weight loss pills will largely be water weight and getting rid of the water volume in your body is only a short time solution.
If, however, you are very keen to lose 5 pounds a day, here is one thing you can do so that you can squeeze yourself into that slinky new bikini or look fantastic in that strappy dress.
Stocking Up on Water to Lose 5 Pounds a Day You body can do without food for one day without suffering any long-term ill effects.
If you want to lose 5 pounds a day one of the most effective strategies would be to go off food completely for one day and drink only water - gallons of it.
The benefits of drinking water when you want to whisk the weight off you in 24 hours...
- Water contains zero calories.
The more water you drink, the more sated you feel and the less intense your hunger cravings are likely to be.
What better way to feel full without taking in one single excess calorie! - Water keeps you hydrated and flushes out the toxins from your body.
While it is decidedly unsafe to go on a "water-only" diet for more than a day, it is the most effective way to lose 5 pounds a day if you need to shed it quick.