Video: How to Saute Onions for Kasha
Video Transcript
Hi, I'm Emory and we're going to show you how to saute an onion for our kasha. Now, cooking this kosher style can mean different things or you add different things. Now, like I said, we're making this dairy. If you're cooking this for a meat meal, you could use chicken fat -- yes, chicken fat -- instead of olive oil, and it would be incredibly delicious. That's what I would normally use. But we're going to use just a couple tablespoons of olive oil into that hot pan. And I'm going to put in -- these are the diced onions. And now, saute is French for jump, and that's what the idea really is that you do this. You've seen the chefs do that when they -- that's what -- that's really sauteing is the jumping. But we just kind of know that as like stir fry. And we're going to cook this for, I would say, about five minutes. We want them to start to just get brown, but just start to get brown because we're going to be cooking them again when we add the kasha grains with the eggs. So there will be plenty of time for them to cook more, but not enough. So I'm going to continue to cook these for just a few minutes. And if you keep clicking, we'll show you the next step involved in making kasha.