The Body and Soul Connection
Many adults who have suffered hurts throughout their lives will never hear the words, "I'm sorry", from those who have hurt them.
Those significant persons in your life who have hurt you without atoning for their actions makes this more difficult to overcome.
In order to regain a perspective of the truth, you must inventory your relationships.
Look at your actions you and the behaviors of those in these relationships according to the virtues of honesty, respect, and love.
Begin to establish appropriate boundaries with persons that you meet.
After this is all complete, you will find the journey to your healing involving one significant person.
This person is you! When you look at your life as an adult, you are the one person responsible for your actions including the choices you make regarding relationships.
You must rely upon your unique skills and abilities to see the truth and to discover the true meaning of life.
A holistic approach to the body and mind connection can promote a higher level of consciousness, which can transcend the turmoil of your life.
Without the development of a strong body and mind, I believe that you will continue to be susceptible to the irrationalities of others who are caught up in the chaos.
I believe that those folks out there who have coped the best with the stress of family, work, and relationship problems have demonstrated the ability to gain a good perspective of life through physical and spiritual practices.
These activities have helped many people remain grounded in the truth and have helped them remember what really constitutes happiness and goodness in life.
Exercise immediately grounds people to the here and now.
You begin to feel the parts of the body being exerted and begin to refocus your mind to the body.
This may sound minor and not worth the time and effort.
Once you become more consistent in an exercise routine, you will begin to enjoy the euphoria you will receive from the exercise.
I believe that during these times you can achieve a higher level of consciousness if you allow yourself to lose the emotional control you have become so accustomed to maintain.
During years of hurt and abuse, many people begin to lose themselves physically, emotionally, and sexually.
They look at themselves as bad, ugly people and many times associate their physical and emotional selves with their bad feelings.
This is why I believe you must regain a positive self-image.
I believe you can do this by developing your body and soul.
Those significant persons in your life who have hurt you without atoning for their actions makes this more difficult to overcome.
In order to regain a perspective of the truth, you must inventory your relationships.
Look at your actions you and the behaviors of those in these relationships according to the virtues of honesty, respect, and love.
Begin to establish appropriate boundaries with persons that you meet.
After this is all complete, you will find the journey to your healing involving one significant person.
This person is you! When you look at your life as an adult, you are the one person responsible for your actions including the choices you make regarding relationships.
You must rely upon your unique skills and abilities to see the truth and to discover the true meaning of life.
A holistic approach to the body and mind connection can promote a higher level of consciousness, which can transcend the turmoil of your life.
Without the development of a strong body and mind, I believe that you will continue to be susceptible to the irrationalities of others who are caught up in the chaos.
I believe that those folks out there who have coped the best with the stress of family, work, and relationship problems have demonstrated the ability to gain a good perspective of life through physical and spiritual practices.
These activities have helped many people remain grounded in the truth and have helped them remember what really constitutes happiness and goodness in life.
Exercise immediately grounds people to the here and now.
You begin to feel the parts of the body being exerted and begin to refocus your mind to the body.
This may sound minor and not worth the time and effort.
Once you become more consistent in an exercise routine, you will begin to enjoy the euphoria you will receive from the exercise.
I believe that during these times you can achieve a higher level of consciousness if you allow yourself to lose the emotional control you have become so accustomed to maintain.
During years of hurt and abuse, many people begin to lose themselves physically, emotionally, and sexually.
They look at themselves as bad, ugly people and many times associate their physical and emotional selves with their bad feelings.
This is why I believe you must regain a positive self-image.
I believe you can do this by developing your body and soul.