Positive Thinking - Appreciate What You Have in Your Life
People often focus on what they want, and not on what they already have.
Do you find yourself wishing for this and that, and take what you have for granted? Rather than thinking of what you wish you could have, why not first take some time to reflect on what you have right now? Express gratitude for everything you have in your life.
Once you can acknowledge and be thankful for what you have, then you can move on to ask for more.
Sit down and make a long list of what you have.
Firstly, list the members of your immediate family and close friends.
Next to each name, write down 3 positive words to describe them.
This is a wonderful way to really think of what these people mean to you.
Now make a list of your strengths and your talents.
What are you good at? What do you enjoy doing? Every one of us was given gifts - our own special gifts.
And this is what makes each of us so unique! Write down the ways in which your talents and strengths have allowed you to achieve particular goals in your life.
Acknowledge your talents and make sure that you use them regularly to benefit yourself and others! Once you have listed the people in your life, and the talents that make you so special, you may then list your material possessions that are important to you.
Next to each of these, write down the ways in which these benefit you, your family, and those around you.
From this exercise, you will appreciate that there is far more in life than fancy houses and cars.
Your family, your friends, and your gifts and talents are the things that really matter in life.
These are the things that help you to live your life to the full.
Be grateful for everything that you have!
Do you find yourself wishing for this and that, and take what you have for granted? Rather than thinking of what you wish you could have, why not first take some time to reflect on what you have right now? Express gratitude for everything you have in your life.
Once you can acknowledge and be thankful for what you have, then you can move on to ask for more.
Sit down and make a long list of what you have.
Firstly, list the members of your immediate family and close friends.
Next to each name, write down 3 positive words to describe them.
This is a wonderful way to really think of what these people mean to you.
Now make a list of your strengths and your talents.
What are you good at? What do you enjoy doing? Every one of us was given gifts - our own special gifts.
And this is what makes each of us so unique! Write down the ways in which your talents and strengths have allowed you to achieve particular goals in your life.
Acknowledge your talents and make sure that you use them regularly to benefit yourself and others! Once you have listed the people in your life, and the talents that make you so special, you may then list your material possessions that are important to you.
Next to each of these, write down the ways in which these benefit you, your family, and those around you.
From this exercise, you will appreciate that there is far more in life than fancy houses and cars.
Your family, your friends, and your gifts and talents are the things that really matter in life.
These are the things that help you to live your life to the full.
Be grateful for everything that you have!