How Many Calories to Lose Weight? How to Lose Those Extra Pounds to Have That Slim, Sexy Look
One common question a dieter may ask is how many calories to lose weight? Well, there is actually an exact answer to that.
But this answer may also vary depending on the person's needs and lifestyle.
About 3,500 calories is needed to lose a pound.
And about 500 calories a day must be cut back in a week to pursue the diet plan.
Counting your calories is indeed one of the primary weight loss methods.
These are some important essentials about counting your calories to lose weight: Know where you are.
Calculate how many calories you need to maintain your present weight; and thereafter, calculate for the calories you need to reduce your weight.
For example, if you weigh at 200 pounds, your target weight may be 150 pounds.
There are specific numbers of calories designated for each weight level.
150 pounds X 16 calories per pound= 2400 calories.
Less 500 (using the common calories a day reduction) = 1900 average total of calories per day.
But be cautious not to reduce the calorie intake that much.
It still pays to exercise more and gain muscle strength while losing weight instead of considering the fast but unsafe way to do it.
As you get the rhythm on monitoring your calorie intake.
Slowly but surely adjust to what you eat and how much you eat.
Be mindful of the nutritional content of the food you will be choosing.
For example processed cereals have already a considerable amount of sugar in it.
So there is no need to add more.
But this answer may also vary depending on the person's needs and lifestyle.
About 3,500 calories is needed to lose a pound.
And about 500 calories a day must be cut back in a week to pursue the diet plan.
Counting your calories is indeed one of the primary weight loss methods.
These are some important essentials about counting your calories to lose weight: Know where you are.
Calculate how many calories you need to maintain your present weight; and thereafter, calculate for the calories you need to reduce your weight.
For example, if you weigh at 200 pounds, your target weight may be 150 pounds.
There are specific numbers of calories designated for each weight level.
150 pounds X 16 calories per pound= 2400 calories.
Less 500 (using the common calories a day reduction) = 1900 average total of calories per day.
But be cautious not to reduce the calorie intake that much.
It still pays to exercise more and gain muscle strength while losing weight instead of considering the fast but unsafe way to do it.
As you get the rhythm on monitoring your calorie intake.
Slowly but surely adjust to what you eat and how much you eat.
Be mindful of the nutritional content of the food you will be choosing.
For example processed cereals have already a considerable amount of sugar in it.
So there is no need to add more.