Mixed Martial Arts or MMA - is a full contact sport
Mixed Martial Arts or MMA - is a full contact sport, where in addition to striking technique used and all the various wrestling techniques. In martial arts MMA athlete works the whole body.
Classes with iron may be useful for mixed martial arts fighters. Basic exercises with a barbell and dumbbells increases the strength fighter, and therefore its impact. However, excessive fascination with iron may have a negative consequence. Development of strength due to the increase in muscle mass athlete. Excessive growth of the hands, for example, can lead to the fact that his hands would not unbend to the end. A weight gain, even so at the expense of the muscles, can hit dyhalke. So about jumping rope, running and things like that should not be forgotten. As harmful and overtraining, engaging seriously with iron 3-4 times a week, you can forget about MMA training. There is important common sense. Do in the gym is no more than one or two times a week, leaving the day to rest before the basic training for MMA.
There are training methods by which any fighter can increase power rates. Here we will not reinvent the wheel, but we take as the basis of an exercise Powerlifting. In triathlon athletes compete in the performance of three barbell exercises: bench press, squat and deadlift. These exercises involve all muscle groups, so by doing this basis, the development of power will be harmonious. Technique exercises with a barbell is best to learn under the guidance of a coach. Improper execution of these exercises traumatic.
Technique exercises:
Bench Press on the special bench, lying on which you are trying to bend the maximum case. Feet are on the floor. Here we use a wide grip, ie the maximum comfortable distance.
If the second exercise - squat - the bar is better to put on muscle and harness buckle hump back.
Deadlift - is the best exercise for the back, because it helps to develop the entire back entirely. And we know that the back muscles are involved in dropping his hands at impact and add solid weight fighter. Do this exercise as follows: grab a barbell in poluprisede and pull her conjoint movement - back and legs are straightened simultaneously. When performing the deadlift, like sit-ups, back, can not dish out the hump.
Wear at the gym, as well as for the MMA should be comfortable and easy to wear. Do best in clothing that is well breathable. It must be elastic or loose enough to not restrict movement. Rashgard (special clothing MMA) - T-shirt, made of high quality materials: nylon, spandex and polyester. These materials are lightweight, durable, quick-drying and anti-bacterial. That will train you in a pleasant environment.
Classes with iron may be useful for mixed martial arts fighters. Basic exercises with a barbell and dumbbells increases the strength fighter, and therefore its impact. However, excessive fascination with iron may have a negative consequence. Development of strength due to the increase in muscle mass athlete. Excessive growth of the hands, for example, can lead to the fact that his hands would not unbend to the end. A weight gain, even so at the expense of the muscles, can hit dyhalke. So about jumping rope, running and things like that should not be forgotten. As harmful and overtraining, engaging seriously with iron 3-4 times a week, you can forget about MMA training. There is important common sense. Do in the gym is no more than one or two times a week, leaving the day to rest before the basic training for MMA.
There are training methods by which any fighter can increase power rates. Here we will not reinvent the wheel, but we take as the basis of an exercise Powerlifting. In triathlon athletes compete in the performance of three barbell exercises: bench press, squat and deadlift. These exercises involve all muscle groups, so by doing this basis, the development of power will be harmonious. Technique exercises with a barbell is best to learn under the guidance of a coach. Improper execution of these exercises traumatic.
Technique exercises:
Bench Press on the special bench, lying on which you are trying to bend the maximum case. Feet are on the floor. Here we use a wide grip, ie the maximum comfortable distance.
If the second exercise - squat - the bar is better to put on muscle and harness buckle hump back.
Deadlift - is the best exercise for the back, because it helps to develop the entire back entirely. And we know that the back muscles are involved in dropping his hands at impact and add solid weight fighter. Do this exercise as follows: grab a barbell in poluprisede and pull her conjoint movement - back and legs are straightened simultaneously. When performing the deadlift, like sit-ups, back, can not dish out the hump.
Wear at the gym, as well as for the MMA should be comfortable and easy to wear. Do best in clothing that is well breathable. It must be elastic or loose enough to not restrict movement. Rashgard (special clothing MMA) - T-shirt, made of high quality materials: nylon, spandex and polyester. These materials are lightweight, durable, quick-drying and anti-bacterial. That will train you in a pleasant environment.