Information on Ketchup Nutritional Facts
Ketchup is a tangy and sweet sauce, which is made from tomatoes, vinegar spices and certain kinds of seasoning and sweetening agent. The sweetening agent mainly used is corn syrup containing high €" fructose or sugar. The seasoning agents differ according to the choice of the company, when commercially made and according to the person's taste, if made at home. The most common seasoning agents used is onion, garlic, cinnamon, cloves, and celery.
Ketchup mostly compliments the food items such as sandwiches, French fries, hamburgers, fried meat and grilled meat.
In the New Zealand and Australia, ketchup is used as the main base for making meat pie and different varieties of sauces and its various dressings.
History of the ketchup
Ketchup was first made by the Chinese, who mixed spices and concoction of fish pickles and called it koe €" chiap.
It was during the 18th century that this version of the sauce reached Singapore and Malaysia and soon the British explorers discovered it and by the year 1940, it became part of the main diet of the British.
It was in the year 1801 that the tomato sauce came into existence.
Sandy Addison was the creator of this recipe and later this recipe was published in a cook book of America.
In the 19th century, the Americans began to add sugar in the ketchup to give it a sweet taste.
The tangy and sweet taste of the ketchup that you enjoy today came into existence only in the 20th century. The modern ketchup incorporates a lot of nutrition in it.
The Ketchup nutritional facts
Most of us consume ketchup regularly, but how many of us know about the ketchup nutritional facts. There are a lot of contents present in the ketchup. They are as stated: Energy, Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins, Sodium, Vitamin C, Lycopene and Water.
The nutritional value that is available in the ketchup per 100 grams is given below:
€ Content of energy available in ketchup is 100 kcal
€ Content of carbohydrates available in ketchup is 25.78 grams
€ Content of fats available is 0.49 grams
€ Content of protein available in the ketchup is 1.74 grams
€ Content of sodium is 111milligrams
€ Content of vitamin C available in the ketchup is 15.1 milligrams
€ Content of Lycopene available in the ketchup is 17.0 milligrams
€ Content of water in the ketchup is 68.33 grams
The health benefits of ketchup
The ketchup nutritional facts are kept in mind by the manufacturers while they are producing it, as it has become an important part of our daily diet. People are nowadays health conscious and are more aware about the food that they intake.
Most of you will be surprised to know about the ketchup nutritional facts, which states that its consumption is good for your health, as it helps in the prevention of certain diseases.
The Lycopene, which is present in the ketchup, prevents certain types of cancer, as it is antioxidant. This is found in all kinds of ketchups that are available in the market.
Ketchup mostly compliments the food items such as sandwiches, French fries, hamburgers, fried meat and grilled meat.
In the New Zealand and Australia, ketchup is used as the main base for making meat pie and different varieties of sauces and its various dressings.
History of the ketchup
Ketchup was first made by the Chinese, who mixed spices and concoction of fish pickles and called it koe €" chiap.
It was during the 18th century that this version of the sauce reached Singapore and Malaysia and soon the British explorers discovered it and by the year 1940, it became part of the main diet of the British.
It was in the year 1801 that the tomato sauce came into existence.
Sandy Addison was the creator of this recipe and later this recipe was published in a cook book of America.
In the 19th century, the Americans began to add sugar in the ketchup to give it a sweet taste.
The tangy and sweet taste of the ketchup that you enjoy today came into existence only in the 20th century. The modern ketchup incorporates a lot of nutrition in it.
The Ketchup nutritional facts
Most of us consume ketchup regularly, but how many of us know about the ketchup nutritional facts. There are a lot of contents present in the ketchup. They are as stated: Energy, Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins, Sodium, Vitamin C, Lycopene and Water.
The nutritional value that is available in the ketchup per 100 grams is given below:
€ Content of energy available in ketchup is 100 kcal
€ Content of carbohydrates available in ketchup is 25.78 grams
€ Content of fats available is 0.49 grams
€ Content of protein available in the ketchup is 1.74 grams
€ Content of sodium is 111milligrams
€ Content of vitamin C available in the ketchup is 15.1 milligrams
€ Content of Lycopene available in the ketchup is 17.0 milligrams
€ Content of water in the ketchup is 68.33 grams
The health benefits of ketchup
The ketchup nutritional facts are kept in mind by the manufacturers while they are producing it, as it has become an important part of our daily diet. People are nowadays health conscious and are more aware about the food that they intake.
Most of you will be surprised to know about the ketchup nutritional facts, which states that its consumption is good for your health, as it helps in the prevention of certain diseases.
The Lycopene, which is present in the ketchup, prevents certain types of cancer, as it is antioxidant. This is found in all kinds of ketchups that are available in the market.