Homemade Partial Denture Cleaner
- Mix 1 cup of white vinegar and 1 cup of warm water in a plastic container. Stir the mixture and place your partial denture in the solution for 30 minutes. The vinegar mixture will break up any caked-on food and tarter build up. The mixture will also kill any fungus that may be present on the partial. After the 30-minute soak, remove your partial and rinse it well with warm water. Use this solution weekly to clean your partial denture.
Do not leave your partial denture in the vinegar mixture longer than 30 minutes. The vinegar can be corrosive to the metal components in your partial denture if you leave your partial in the solution for an extended period of time. - Mix 1 tbsp. of baking soda and 8 oz. of warm water in a plastic container. Stir the mixture well before placing your partial denture in the solution. This mixture is safe for use as a nightly soaking solution.
- Warm water can also be used to soak your partial denture. Fill a small container with warm water and place the partial in the container. The warm water will soften and breakup any caked-on food. Leave the partial in the warm water overnight. Use a denture brush, 1 tsp. of aloe vera gel and warm water to clean your partial denture the next day. Aloe vera gel is an anti-fungal and completely safe to use on your partial denture.
- Do not soak your partial denture in a solution of bleach. Only whole dentures should be soaked in a bleach denture cleaning solution. The bleach solution will corrode the metal parts and soft lining material of your partial denture.
Also, perform a test run of each denture cleaning solution before using the mixture as a long-term cleaning method. If you experience any irritation of the gums, discontinue using the homemade cleaning solution and consult your dentist.
Vinegar and Water Solution
Baking Soda and Water
Warm Water Solution
Cautions and Tips