Guide to Understanding the Bible With Confidence
The key to understanding the Bible with confidence is Godly devotion.
It is essential for one to train their self in order to achieve full Godly devotion.
One's aim or objective in training their self is not to achieve selfish, materialistic gain.
However, there is gain to the one who is content with their lot, who continues in a Godly devotion along with self-sufficiency.
"It holds promise of the life now," namely spiritual health, satisfaction, happiness and a purpose in living.
It also holds promise of the life that "is to come.
" (1 Tim 4:7-8; 6:6-8 ) To get the true Bible understanding with confidence, the one professing Godly devotion must recognize its power to change their personality and must be true and genuine in following Godliness.
(1 Tim 6:11 ) One must recognize that God's Word is His expression of the way of Godly devotion and they must conform to its precepts.
(Titus 1:1; 2 Pet 1:3 ) Since Godly devotion is toward God personally, His Word and spirit will bring one to know Him personally, intimately, and to become more like Him-to be an imitator or copier of Him.
(Eph 5:1 ) Such one will reflect more and more the fine qualities of Him which will lead to understanding the Bible with a clear view.
(2 Cor 3:18 ) Bible understanding also includes the necessary element which is spiritual understanding that involves the mind and heart.
The things perceived by one's senses, such as sight and hearing, are interpreted by the brain, and understanding is therefore connected with the mental faculties.
(Compare Job 6:30; 9:11; 13:1; 23:8-9 ) But understanding Bible Scriptures show that understanding in its more vital sense involves the heart as well.
As Jesus said to His disciples: Do you not yet perceive nor understand? Is your heart still hardened? "Having eyes, do you not see? And having ears, do you not hear? And do you not remember?" (Mark 8:17-21) So there is interaction of mind and heart in considering analyzing reasoning, pondering and meditating.
Meditation is another key factor to understanding the Bible.
In order to meditate properly on Bible Scriptures, one needs to be free from distractions, alone with his thoughts, so to speak.
Isaac, for example, went out walking alone in the early evening to meditate, possibly about his coming marriage to Rebekah.
(Gen 24:63) It was during the solitude of the night watches that the psalmist meditated on the greatness of his grand Creator.
(Ps 63:6) The meditations of the heart should be focused on beneficial things, on God's splendor and activities, on things pleasing Him.
(Ps 19:4; 49:3; 77:12; 143:5) and not on the devices of the wicked.
(Prov 24:1-2) With regard to understanding the Bible by engaging meditation to Bible study, one will not be inclined to give foolish answers, merely out of their head.
Their heart will work out the matter of importance and the answers given to understanding Bible Scriptures will be out of the heart.
The heart of the righteous studies how to answer.
(Prov 15:28) To understand how important meditation is for Bible understanding let us look at Joshua.
When Joshua was appointed as the overseer of the nation of Israel he was instructed to make a copy of God's law, and was told, "This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it.
For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.
(Josh 1:8) Therefore if one meditates on the Bible Scriptures they are guaranteed sure success to understanding the Bible.
And as it goes on to say in Joshua 1:9, the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
God is the Source of understanding and the Supreme Example of its use.
The splendid coordination and functioning of the universe, in which each creation serves a particular and harmonious purpose, with no clashes or problems resulting due to lack of discernment on their Creator's part, manifest God's understanding.
(Job 38:36; Ps 136:5-9) With regards to understanding the Bible, God can exercise insight into the thoughts and doings of all mankind and as He chooses, He gives thoughtful consideration or attention to individuals.
He knows His own invincible purpose, what He will do in the future, and His righteous standards are fixed, unchangeable; hence "there is no wisdom, nor any discernment, nor any counsel in opposition to God.
" (Prov 21:30) He needs to consult no one to understand a matter, such as how to help His servants effectively or to relieve them from distress and oppression.
(Isa 40:10-15; 27-31) In view of the fact that there is no counsel in opposition to God, one must focus their eyes and ears upon God to acquire His help with understanding the Bible.
Through Godly devotion, meditation in Bible study, prayer, and the help of the Holy Spirit one will develop an intimate relationship with God.
Our Father said: 'Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand'.
(Isa 41:10) Bearing in mind that we are servants of God, let us ask in prayer for Bible understanding in Jesus' name for help in understanding Bible Scriptures.
Through Jesus' blood, offered to God in sacrifice, "we have boldness for the way of entry into the Holy place," that is, boldness to approach God's presence in prayer, approaching, "with true hearts in the full assurance of faith.
" (Heb 10:19-22) Jesus Christ is therefore the one and only "way" of reconciliation with God and approach to God in prayer.
(John 14:6)
It is essential for one to train their self in order to achieve full Godly devotion.
One's aim or objective in training their self is not to achieve selfish, materialistic gain.
However, there is gain to the one who is content with their lot, who continues in a Godly devotion along with self-sufficiency.
"It holds promise of the life now," namely spiritual health, satisfaction, happiness and a purpose in living.
It also holds promise of the life that "is to come.
" (1 Tim 4:7-8; 6:6-8 ) To get the true Bible understanding with confidence, the one professing Godly devotion must recognize its power to change their personality and must be true and genuine in following Godliness.
(1 Tim 6:11 ) One must recognize that God's Word is His expression of the way of Godly devotion and they must conform to its precepts.
(Titus 1:1; 2 Pet 1:3 ) Since Godly devotion is toward God personally, His Word and spirit will bring one to know Him personally, intimately, and to become more like Him-to be an imitator or copier of Him.
(Eph 5:1 ) Such one will reflect more and more the fine qualities of Him which will lead to understanding the Bible with a clear view.
(2 Cor 3:18 ) Bible understanding also includes the necessary element which is spiritual understanding that involves the mind and heart.
The things perceived by one's senses, such as sight and hearing, are interpreted by the brain, and understanding is therefore connected with the mental faculties.
(Compare Job 6:30; 9:11; 13:1; 23:8-9 ) But understanding Bible Scriptures show that understanding in its more vital sense involves the heart as well.
As Jesus said to His disciples: Do you not yet perceive nor understand? Is your heart still hardened? "Having eyes, do you not see? And having ears, do you not hear? And do you not remember?" (Mark 8:17-21) So there is interaction of mind and heart in considering analyzing reasoning, pondering and meditating.
Meditation is another key factor to understanding the Bible.
In order to meditate properly on Bible Scriptures, one needs to be free from distractions, alone with his thoughts, so to speak.
Isaac, for example, went out walking alone in the early evening to meditate, possibly about his coming marriage to Rebekah.
(Gen 24:63) It was during the solitude of the night watches that the psalmist meditated on the greatness of his grand Creator.
(Ps 63:6) The meditations of the heart should be focused on beneficial things, on God's splendor and activities, on things pleasing Him.
(Ps 19:4; 49:3; 77:12; 143:5) and not on the devices of the wicked.
(Prov 24:1-2) With regard to understanding the Bible by engaging meditation to Bible study, one will not be inclined to give foolish answers, merely out of their head.
Their heart will work out the matter of importance and the answers given to understanding Bible Scriptures will be out of the heart.
The heart of the righteous studies how to answer.
(Prov 15:28) To understand how important meditation is for Bible understanding let us look at Joshua.
When Joshua was appointed as the overseer of the nation of Israel he was instructed to make a copy of God's law, and was told, "This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it.
For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.
(Josh 1:8) Therefore if one meditates on the Bible Scriptures they are guaranteed sure success to understanding the Bible.
And as it goes on to say in Joshua 1:9, the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
God is the Source of understanding and the Supreme Example of its use.
The splendid coordination and functioning of the universe, in which each creation serves a particular and harmonious purpose, with no clashes or problems resulting due to lack of discernment on their Creator's part, manifest God's understanding.
(Job 38:36; Ps 136:5-9) With regards to understanding the Bible, God can exercise insight into the thoughts and doings of all mankind and as He chooses, He gives thoughtful consideration or attention to individuals.
He knows His own invincible purpose, what He will do in the future, and His righteous standards are fixed, unchangeable; hence "there is no wisdom, nor any discernment, nor any counsel in opposition to God.
" (Prov 21:30) He needs to consult no one to understand a matter, such as how to help His servants effectively or to relieve them from distress and oppression.
(Isa 40:10-15; 27-31) In view of the fact that there is no counsel in opposition to God, one must focus their eyes and ears upon God to acquire His help with understanding the Bible.
Through Godly devotion, meditation in Bible study, prayer, and the help of the Holy Spirit one will develop an intimate relationship with God.
Our Father said: 'Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand'.
(Isa 41:10) Bearing in mind that we are servants of God, let us ask in prayer for Bible understanding in Jesus' name for help in understanding Bible Scriptures.
Through Jesus' blood, offered to God in sacrifice, "we have boldness for the way of entry into the Holy place," that is, boldness to approach God's presence in prayer, approaching, "with true hearts in the full assurance of faith.
" (Heb 10:19-22) Jesus Christ is therefore the one and only "way" of reconciliation with God and approach to God in prayer.
(John 14:6)