Overcoming You Temptations and Creating Opportunities for Yourself With Deliberate Creation
When we look at the Law of Attraction or self-development, there are a lot of teachings that place a lot of focus on intention and visualization. The thing that they fail to make note on is the action part of it all. If we want to create the life we desire, we must take some sort of action towards what we want.
The disclaimer to taking action though is that whatever action you take must be inspired action, or action that feels good for you when you think about doing it. If you are taking action out of fear or worry, then you aren't going to get very far, and most likely you will stop at the first sign of difficulty, or you will actually prevent yourself from moving forward with what you really want.
So you want to keep this in mind: every action that you take can either hurt and hinder you or empower and improve you. An example would be when we are tempted to make a purchase in the moment that we really don't need. You purchase an expensive car or shoes and then later on wish that you had made a different decision.
Everyone has done this, and it's a part of life. The thing the hurts us is that every time we give into an impulse, we actually lower our ability to resist it in a future situation. Whenever you are tempted in contradiction to what you actually want, you are presented with a strengthening choice and a weakening choice. Instead of looking at these situations in this way, as temptations to overcome, you must begin to look at these moments in time as opportunities. The opportunity is to empower your ability to become a deliberate creator.
Think about it like this, if you make the decision not to eat that piece of cake when you are on a diet, it may seem difficult then, but it is actually empowering you for the next time the temptation of cake is presented to you. It will make it easier for you in the future. Then you come closer to the goal in mind, losing weight.
As you keep practicing this strategy in all areas in your life, you will begin to become the deliberate creator in your own life, and you will become more and more empowered and able to get what you want in your life.
The disclaimer to taking action though is that whatever action you take must be inspired action, or action that feels good for you when you think about doing it. If you are taking action out of fear or worry, then you aren't going to get very far, and most likely you will stop at the first sign of difficulty, or you will actually prevent yourself from moving forward with what you really want.
So you want to keep this in mind: every action that you take can either hurt and hinder you or empower and improve you. An example would be when we are tempted to make a purchase in the moment that we really don't need. You purchase an expensive car or shoes and then later on wish that you had made a different decision.
Everyone has done this, and it's a part of life. The thing the hurts us is that every time we give into an impulse, we actually lower our ability to resist it in a future situation. Whenever you are tempted in contradiction to what you actually want, you are presented with a strengthening choice and a weakening choice. Instead of looking at these situations in this way, as temptations to overcome, you must begin to look at these moments in time as opportunities. The opportunity is to empower your ability to become a deliberate creator.
Think about it like this, if you make the decision not to eat that piece of cake when you are on a diet, it may seem difficult then, but it is actually empowering you for the next time the temptation of cake is presented to you. It will make it easier for you in the future. Then you come closer to the goal in mind, losing weight.
As you keep practicing this strategy in all areas in your life, you will begin to become the deliberate creator in your own life, and you will become more and more empowered and able to get what you want in your life.