More on the Laws of Attraction and Direction and the Sub-Law of Achievement
I grabbed a piece of paper the other day and drew out the Law of Direction as applied to the Law of Attraction.
The Law of Attraction at the bottom of the page, with lines radiating from it to the middle of the page.
Each of these lines had notations, like 'new car,' 'new house,' '$100,000 month,' and a few other things.
Then I brought the lines in to meet at a point at the top of the page.
This I called 'The Law of Direction.
' A single point.
The laser-dot which was my life's direction.
This was the point at which I'd aim.
I had my fine house, car and great income, but now there had to be a purpose.
I won't tell you what my particular purpose is.
Obviously, you have your own target.
Draw your dot and discover what you intend to do with your life, once you have all the tools.
The Law of Attraction supplies all your tools, but only you can know how you intend to use them.
The Law of Direction is intensely personal and for a life of fulfillment, extremely vital.
Indeed, I've found that to exercise the proper method of working the Law of Attraction, the Law of Direction must be a very important part of the equation.
After all, if I may speak personally for the moment, there's no way on earth that I can attain my life's goal with the tools I have so far.
Oh, I'm working well towards it, but I'm not there yet.
If your goal is simply the acquisition of wealth, I found early on that the attempt to work towards the goal of money is nowhere near as powerful as having a final bulls-eye, if you will, for which to aim.
Very probably, your final goal will take a lot of money to accomplish, so if you use the Law of Attraction to attract the prize and not simply the tools to reach that prize, then the chances are very good that your efforts will be rewarded more positively and more quickly.
I found, too, that by drawing it out as I did in the form of a diagram, you can carry that image with you all day in your head rather better than a sentence-full of words.
There's no effort required to bring the diagram to mind, whereas if you try to remember what you've written, it isn't so easy.
There is, too, what may be named the Law of Achievement.
This is closely allied to the Law of Gratitude, which of course is so important, but the Law of Achievement is a means whereby you give yourself a pat on the back.
Why not? You wake up one morning and find that, for whatever reason, you're that much closer to your final goal.
Express deep gratitude, of course, but at the same time congratulate yourself too for a job well done.
No-one else will! This whole Law of Attraction is a very personal thing.
You're the only one who knows you're practicing it, let alone achieving anything.
So go ahead.
Give yourself a big 'well done!' As long as you don't sit there all day, basking in your own glory, that's fine.
I don't know whether it's correct to call 'achievement' a 'Law;' what do you think? On the one hand, achievement doesn't always happen.
On the other, if you follow the Law of Attraction properly, then achievement will follow.
So let's call it a sub-Law.
All part of the Law of Cause and Effect, really.
I invite you to try the diagram method, though.
I think you'll find it works well for you.
The Law of Attraction at the bottom of the page, with lines radiating from it to the middle of the page.
Each of these lines had notations, like 'new car,' 'new house,' '$100,000 month,' and a few other things.
Then I brought the lines in to meet at a point at the top of the page.
This I called 'The Law of Direction.
' A single point.
The laser-dot which was my life's direction.
This was the point at which I'd aim.
I had my fine house, car and great income, but now there had to be a purpose.
I won't tell you what my particular purpose is.
Obviously, you have your own target.
Draw your dot and discover what you intend to do with your life, once you have all the tools.
The Law of Attraction supplies all your tools, but only you can know how you intend to use them.
The Law of Direction is intensely personal and for a life of fulfillment, extremely vital.
Indeed, I've found that to exercise the proper method of working the Law of Attraction, the Law of Direction must be a very important part of the equation.
After all, if I may speak personally for the moment, there's no way on earth that I can attain my life's goal with the tools I have so far.
Oh, I'm working well towards it, but I'm not there yet.
If your goal is simply the acquisition of wealth, I found early on that the attempt to work towards the goal of money is nowhere near as powerful as having a final bulls-eye, if you will, for which to aim.
Very probably, your final goal will take a lot of money to accomplish, so if you use the Law of Attraction to attract the prize and not simply the tools to reach that prize, then the chances are very good that your efforts will be rewarded more positively and more quickly.
I found, too, that by drawing it out as I did in the form of a diagram, you can carry that image with you all day in your head rather better than a sentence-full of words.
There's no effort required to bring the diagram to mind, whereas if you try to remember what you've written, it isn't so easy.
There is, too, what may be named the Law of Achievement.
This is closely allied to the Law of Gratitude, which of course is so important, but the Law of Achievement is a means whereby you give yourself a pat on the back.
Why not? You wake up one morning and find that, for whatever reason, you're that much closer to your final goal.
Express deep gratitude, of course, but at the same time congratulate yourself too for a job well done.
No-one else will! This whole Law of Attraction is a very personal thing.
You're the only one who knows you're practicing it, let alone achieving anything.
So go ahead.
Give yourself a big 'well done!' As long as you don't sit there all day, basking in your own glory, that's fine.
I don't know whether it's correct to call 'achievement' a 'Law;' what do you think? On the one hand, achievement doesn't always happen.
On the other, if you follow the Law of Attraction properly, then achievement will follow.
So let's call it a sub-Law.
All part of the Law of Cause and Effect, really.
I invite you to try the diagram method, though.
I think you'll find it works well for you.