Sensible Weight Losing Tips - Eat More Dietary Fiber
If you are very overweight, you have a slow metabolism and a clogged colon.
These two things are stopping you from being able to lose weight, and until they are fixed you will remain as you are, no matter how many weight loss pills you take, or how little food you eat.
Adding more fiber to your diet will relief constipation, reduce your appetite, improve digestion, give you more energy, remove toxins from your body.
Your condition is the result of eating refined and processed food for many years.
Not all bran is the same When I got serious about adding real fiber to my diet, I went out to buy bran because it's one of the very best sources of dietary fiber.
Knowing I had to eliminate refined sugar as well, I was very surprised to read every label of bran cereal at the supermarket and see they all contained sugar! This is a problem because sugar will negate almost all the nutrients you'd otherwise be getting from your food.
Finally I found a simple, plastic bag containing oat bran with no additives of any kind.
No colors, no artificial flavors, no sugar, nothing.
The price was well under $2 compared to the big food company cereals which were 2 to 3 times more.
Eating this fiber everyday has made a difference for me, and it will for you as well.
This is the way nature works.
Remember, science can't improve on nature, if you want apple cinnamon oatmeal, buy plain oats with no additives and cut up some apple and sprinkle some real cinnamon on it.
Get what I mean? Years of eating processed food with tons of sugar and other harmful chemicals and additives have clogged your liver and colon so be patient when changing your dietary habits.
Your metabolism and clogged colon will not get fixed after a couple of days eating oatmeal.
This is a start.
Here's a thought to chew on: Before our modern food processing techniques using hydrogenated oils, chemicals, colorings pasteurization etc, our North American society didn't have a disease called obesity.
In fact in was rare to see really fat people.
Now 80% of Americans are overweight, we have had an increase in disease and cancer every year and it's not going down, it's still rising.
Do you think there is a link between the food you eat and being fat?
These two things are stopping you from being able to lose weight, and until they are fixed you will remain as you are, no matter how many weight loss pills you take, or how little food you eat.
Adding more fiber to your diet will relief constipation, reduce your appetite, improve digestion, give you more energy, remove toxins from your body.
Your condition is the result of eating refined and processed food for many years.
Not all bran is the same When I got serious about adding real fiber to my diet, I went out to buy bran because it's one of the very best sources of dietary fiber.
Knowing I had to eliminate refined sugar as well, I was very surprised to read every label of bran cereal at the supermarket and see they all contained sugar! This is a problem because sugar will negate almost all the nutrients you'd otherwise be getting from your food.
Finally I found a simple, plastic bag containing oat bran with no additives of any kind.
No colors, no artificial flavors, no sugar, nothing.
The price was well under $2 compared to the big food company cereals which were 2 to 3 times more.
Eating this fiber everyday has made a difference for me, and it will for you as well.
This is the way nature works.
Remember, science can't improve on nature, if you want apple cinnamon oatmeal, buy plain oats with no additives and cut up some apple and sprinkle some real cinnamon on it.
Get what I mean? Years of eating processed food with tons of sugar and other harmful chemicals and additives have clogged your liver and colon so be patient when changing your dietary habits.
Your metabolism and clogged colon will not get fixed after a couple of days eating oatmeal.
This is a start.
Here's a thought to chew on: Before our modern food processing techniques using hydrogenated oils, chemicals, colorings pasteurization etc, our North American society didn't have a disease called obesity.
In fact in was rare to see really fat people.
Now 80% of Americans are overweight, we have had an increase in disease and cancer every year and it's not going down, it's still rising.
Do you think there is a link between the food you eat and being fat?