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Five Principles Of Blooming Where You Are Planted

Why is it that so many folks who desire to live the good life, who have beautiful dreams and wonderful desires hardly have these aspirations come to limelight?

Quite often you hear people wine and pine; I dreamt it, desired it, spoke about it yet it didn't materialize, why?

This write-up comes to answer your questions and point you to how you can be the best you are called to be. You will learn from this piece how to bloom where you are planted.

Firstly, learn to wake up early, jog and train every morning. If you form this habit and maintain it consistently for a period of time you will be smiling before too long because you would have made great impact in your area of specialty.

You may have decided to be among the literary geniuses in the world or maybe you desire to be the best writer of your time; what you need do is start writing now. Don't just sit waiting for that dream to come true by itself, practice writing at every opportunity and improve on it daily. By so doing, your vocabulary, choice of words et al will keep getting better and being perfected, before too long you will discover that your dream has materialized! You have become successful and already living your dreams.

Secondly, learn to be grateful for that advice, word of encouragement, prayers et al. this is one of the great principles in blooming where you are planted; learn to always appreciate every kind gesture you received from people be it in cash or in kind. Someone may have nudged you to tow that line, another may have advised to quit that job and pursue your dream, yet another may have openly prayed for and encouraged you. Don't take any of these gestures for granted, be grateful and always see people through the eyes of love and cherish them more for who they are, what they gave you and the good deeds they performed. When you arrive your success destination, don't accept the kudos all to yourself; remember to acknowledge all those who gave a helping hand here and there. Don't cast them off as nobody's for you may seek them again tomorrow and they may not be there.

Thirdly, learn not to stop at decision-making, do the decision. It is your responsibility to exercise dominion and authority over your choices in life and to ensure you do your decision. Rise above the lukewarm attitude; don't rest on your laurels of decision-making. You may have decided to be the best you are called to be, don't just stop at deciding it. Don't be like the guy who makes New Year resolutions but didn't put any effort in making the resolution a reality. Having chosen to be the best medical doctor or journalist around, arm yourself with the right materials and company. It is often said that if you have money problem, you don't go sitting at the feet of a broke brother-in-law! Be with the right company, have a mentor who is your coach and gives you correction not affirmation. Have a mentor who is not just best friend but one that will spur you on to greater heights. Remember your best friend loves you the way you are but your mentor loves you the way you should be.

Fourthly, put your abilities before you and manage them till you become the best. Don't feed your belly more than your brain. Be qualified to possess what you want to protect. Manage your time and abilities effectively. God gave you time so you can use it to get other gifts. Everything you have, you traded time for it and everything you don't have, you haven't given time to them!

List your areas of strength and improve on them till you become so great in these areas, list your gray areas as well and work on them, manage them until you have become champion in them.

Finally, avoid distractions. Make up your mind to make the news rather than watch the news. Invest your time, don't spend or waste it. Don't pursue yesterday's dreams; don't buy things that made you happy twenty years ago. Let the thought of being rich and successful excite you. Do more of what is working for you and less of what is not; try new behaviors to see if they will produce better results.

Successful people are not distracted rather they take time to find out what they are here to do and pursue same with vigor, passion and enthusiasm.

Following these simple instructions will not only give you the amazing result you desire but also help you affect and impact lives positively.
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