About Alzheimer's Support Groups in Michigan
- Alzheimer's disease is a disease of the brain that causes progressive loss of memory through the destruction of nerve and brain cells. When a loved one is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, having the support of others is beneficial for the entire family.
- In Michigan, there are several Alzheimer's support groups that provide a multitude of resources for both the patient and family. The information provided here should make your search for the right support group easier. Contact the Alzheimer's Association main office in your region before attending the support group of your choice.
- Alzheimer's support groups provide the benefit of bonding and fighting with patients to maintain their lifelong identity. These support mechanisms are designed to see patients through their struggle with Alzheimer's disease. Groups meet monthly or semi-monthly and are usually offered at little to no cost for patients and their families.
Support groups also provide information on the latest updates and medical advances in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. This affords the patient more quality time with his family, instead of having to search for the information alone. Resources and services are made available to provide assistance in coping with Alzheimer's disease. Contact the main offices of your region to find the support group best-suited for your loved one. - Here are several Michigan-area support groups and their contact information:
The Alzheimer's Association Greater Michigan Chapter, Central Michigan Region has 19 support groups available. Contact (989) 839-9910 or (800) 272-3900, or click "Central Michigan" in the Resources link below for the contact information of these support groups.
The Alzheimer's Association, Greater Michigan Chapter, Northern Region offers 11 support groups in the Alpena region. Call (989) 356-4087 or (800) 272-3900, or click "Northern Michigan--Alpena" for the support group information in this region.
The Alzheimer's Association, Michigan Chapter, Northern Michigan Region branch in Traverse City offers 14 support groups. Call (231) 929-3804 or (800) 272-3900, or go to "Northern Michigan--Traverse City" in the link for support groups in this area.
The Alzheimer's Association, Greater Michigan Chapter, West Michigan branch offers 28 support groups for coping with Alzheimer's disease. Call (616) 459-4558 or (800) 272-3900, or click the "West Michigan" link for further information on the support groups in the West Michigan area.
The Upper Peninsula Caregiver Support, affiliated with the Alzheimer's Association, Greater Michigan Chapter, Upper Peninsula offers 19 support groups within its region. Call (906) 228-3910 or (800) 272-3900 or click "Upper Peninsula" in the link below for more information about these support groups.
Information on the Alzheimer's support groups in the metro Detroit area is available through the link provided. These groups are located in the Huron, Sanilac, St. Clair, Macomb, Oakland and Wayne Counties. - Discuss your options with your relative coping with Alzheimer's disease. Talk about the options available and also what her expectations are. This will help you select the right support group, and it will help the whole family receive the maximum benefit of seeking support resources.