Boosting Your Immune System Naturally - Life Saving Tips You Need to Know
Your resistance to all diseases will be better with a well-functioning immune system.
Further, a well-functioning immune system has added benefits such as effectively regulating your metabolism so that you keep off unwanted extra pounds.
Here are some ways of boosting your immune system naturally:
Further, a well-functioning immune system has added benefits such as effectively regulating your metabolism so that you keep off unwanted extra pounds.
Here are some ways of boosting your immune system naturally:
- Ensure adequate vitamin D levels.
Vitamin D deficiency is implicated in a host of chronic illnesses and diseases and it is a critical problem for people with dark complexion since it is more difficult for them to get adequate amounts of vitamin D from the sun.
The immune system is significantly weakened when levels of vitamin D are too low.
Vitamin D protects the body from hundreds of microbes.
Many people are deficient in this crucial vitamin.
If you cannot get enough vitamin D from sunlight the best natural source of vitamin D, you should take a good d3 supplement.
Get your vitamin D levels checked by a reputable lab.
Your levels should be between 50-70 ng ml.
Ensuring that your vitamin D levels are adequate is a major step towards boosting your immune system naturally. - Avoid eating sugary, processed foods.
Sugar is a major culprit in weakened immune systems.
Trying to eliminate or significantly minimize sugar in your diet is an effective step in improving your health.
Substitute fresh, organic food instead.
Foods grown in mineral rich soil with natural fertilizers and no chemicals are more nutritious.
Many of the pesticides, herbicides, hormones, and other chemicals used in conventional food production have been linked to cancer, immune suppression and a host of other degenerative diseases that accompany immune suppression.
- Take Probiotics.
Get a good quality probiotic to maintain the critical balance of good bacteria in your gut.
Your gut is the storehouse of your immune system.
Ninety five percent of your immune system is in your gut so taking a good quality probiotic is an important way of boosting your immune system naturally.
- Take Omega 3 fats.
Strengthen your immune system with good quality omega 3 fats like high vitamin cod liver oil.
Omega 3 fats can counteract the damage done to your body by trans-fats and processed foods.
- Wash your hands regularly.
When your hands get dirty wash them with warm water and regular soap- not an antibacterial soap.
Antibacterial soaps actually proliferate harmful bacteria.
- Use a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, not your hands, and immediately throw it away after using it.
- Avoid confined, crowded spaces especially if you have a weakened immune system.
- Garlic should be your friend.
Garlic is an effective broad spectrum anti-bacterial, antifungal, and anti-viral aid and an effective way of boosting your immune system naturally.
You get the most from it when you eat it raw and fresh.
Try having it with juice to help minimize the harsh taste.
Use organic garlic because non-organic garlic is often treated with harmful pesticides.
- Get adequate restful sleep.
The body's immune system recharges itself between the hours of 10pm and 1am so it is important to get to bed at a decent hour and try to get between 7- 8 hours of sleep.
Getting enough sleep is vital if you are trying to lose excess weight.
Not getting enough sleep can actually prevent you from losing weight as your body's metabolism will become impaired.
- Exercise is key.
I have put exercise last because this is the point I want to leave you with.
Exercise is fundamentally, the most important part of your program for boosting your immune system naturally.
Exercise affects every single system in your body.
Quite literally if you do not move you will die.
I know it is not always the easiest thing to have the time or discipline to commit to an effective exercise routine but think about these facts and maybe you will find some motivation to exercise if that's what you've been missing.
Among other important benefits, exercise improves circulation, helps the lymph system remove waste from the body, helps your heart and bones grow stronger, and if you are female, may even help to reduce your risk of breast cancer.
Another remarkable benefit of exercise is that weight training can increase human growth hormone levels by as much as 400%.
That is certainly good news if you are concerned about losing your youthful glow or getting it back.